Nitrogen Question


Well-Known Member
I think my plant may have a (N) deficiency...

The lower leaves near the bottom are lighter then the leaves on the top and the bottom two leaves are browning on the edges and it can crack like its dead :-|. (Doesn't effect the whole leaf though).

This is my first grow and I only have one plant. I am on a low budget and I just spent 20$ on soil and perlite. What is a quick and easy way to fix this (N)? deficiency?


Well-Known Member
its hard to tell weather or not you have N def. if N the plant will have an over all light green cast to it, and the lower leaves will become yellow and fall off. you can use any chemical fert high in N in low amounts or organics such as fish meal, coffee grounds, and even fresh urine. at all cost use urine as last resort and use in very small amounts 1:16 should be good. i'd go with coffee grounds or fish meal. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Fish emulsion at walmart is like $6. 5-1-1. Spend another 5 and get some super thrive. Then try to find something that will have a lower first # and higher last 2 for flower time...GL