Nitrogen Def?


Well-Known Member
These two ladies have had issues since they sprouted. The better looking one was dug out of the ground and put into a pot and left in a hot car for almost 24 hrs and almost killed at the beginning of flower but I brought her back so I'm surprised it's even alive. The other is in Ocean Forest soil and I fees everything with the fox farms trio. But I just can't make her happy. I'll feed it more then the rest of the garden and she isn't happy. Then I'll feed her less than the rest of the garden and she doesn't like that. I'll start to see healthy new growth but the next feeding she won't like the same thing...she's like my x girlfriend. But I don't get how it can be a nitrogen issue if they've been getting steady notes they re whole life cycle.. Thanks for any imput.



Well-Known Member
No they all get the same amount of sunlight. Only difference is everything else is in the ground, not pots
We had a full day of rain here in SoCal 2 days ago and I had moved them under some protection so they were still in that spot when I snapped those pics.