Nirvanas Blackjack Is Now Growing In A Tree!


Well-Known Member
I would top it if it were mine. Your idea with the tree looks good to me. Camo helps, no matter if it's a different foliage or not. Better than a bucket sticking out of a tree with no cover.

My seeds are just sprouting for my outdoor grow. I have Barneys Red Dragon and Vanilla Kush. Also WOS Afghan Kush and Nirvanas NL's. 5 fems of each, plus 8 UFOs from Greenhouse, TH, Dinefem, and Delicious. I'm pretty stoked for this year.

Good luck with your grow and +repped!
Yeah i am about 95% sure that is what i am going to do tomorrow when i visit my grow area. Any ways i will go and get another bucket and hide it in a different location for the clone or possibly give it to one of my friends that is a grower very close to the area other than that i will be posting tomorrow with some new pictures of it and to see what i end up doing.


Well-Known Member
Just another update here. Feed her today for the second time. Alot of stretch and alot of growth. I have notice the new node spacing is much tighter on the new growth. Closer than a inch apart well any ways here are the pictures. I also pussed out on topping here the new growth is looking way to good couldnt to it to her. Oh well i know she is going to treat me right.027.jpg024.jpg026.jpg025.jpg023.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sweet growing in a tree!!! Seen it once before on here but guy never finished thread nice work!!FU racons!!!


Well-Known Member
Sweet growing in a tree!!! Seen it once before on here but guy never finished thread nice work!!FU racons!!!
Yeah I think it is a hood idea. The main reason it is up in the tree is because of the raccoons and other little critters that like to fuck shit up. And the second reason is that it floods in this area pretty bad. In the summer time when I am tromping thru 2 or 3 ft of water to get to this plant you guys will really understand why is hanging in a tree. Well any ways I am happy to have to have you along for the ride rep+


Well-Known Member
Heres a update for you guys. She is growing very fast and healthy. Unfortunatly i started this plant inside under 18/6 and she is already flowering( I expected that but really was not hoping for it). Any ways i see she is a female. Well ill let some of the pics do the talking.


Mary I Wanna

Active Member
Thats gonna stick out like a sore thumb if a chopper flys over... I like your idea of up in the tree but I would go about it diff.. First of all I would put it in a live tree.. Second instead of that big ass bucket hanging at eye level.. Go up about 10 feet & take some burlap and wrap it around the trunk.. Tie the bottom off with a strip of burlap then stuff it with soil and tie it with strips of burlap all the way up... This is my super secret method.. I wasn't even going to post it, untill I seen the people giving you a hard time.. Your gonna have to watch for the roots growing threw the burlap, if they start to then just take another piece and tie it over your first piece.. You could grow in a tree in your front yard this way and nobody would ever notice it...


Well-Known Member
Thats gonna stick out like a sore thumb if a chopper flys over... I like your idea of up in the tree but I would go about it diff.. First of all I would put it in a live tree.. Second instead of that big ass bucket hanging at eye level.. Go up about 10 feet & take some burlap and wrap it around the trunk.. Tie the bottom off with a strip of burlap then stuff it with soil and tie it with strips of burlap all the way up... This is my super secret method.. I wasn't even going to post it, untill I seen the people giving you a hard time.. Your gonna have to watch for the roots growing threw the burlap, if they start to then just take another piece and tie it over your first piece.. You could grow in a tree in your front yard this way and nobody would ever notice it...
Thanks for sharing the info man. That really does sound like a great idea. In this area here really isn't choppers looking for bud. Any ways even if they seen it I highly doubt they would track all the way back there for just one girl. But maybe next year I will do that because I plan on having a few more and I think if they seen that they will deff cOme a looking


Well-Known Member
Or just wrap the pot in burlap. You know the area, so you would know if people frequent that area. 1 plant camoed in a tree in a remote area, very little chance of a bust or rip.


Well-Known Member
Or just wrap the pot in burlap. You know the area, so you would know if people frequent that area. 1 plant camoed in a tree in a remote area, very little chance of a bust or rip.
You are exactly right my friend. Thanks for popping in and laying down your kind words. Stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
you know, this is actually a genius idea. I really do like this idea! Nice.

Think about it, and I probably shouldn't say this.. but im going to anyhow. If I was still growing.. which of course would be indoors, as I love indoor growing and being able to have full control of the plants environment. Anyhow, yeah.. this would be a really really great hiding place for indoor container plants.

I mean, it wouldn't work during the winter/fall months when the trees are bare with no leafs.. but during the mid-late Spring/Summer time?? Hell yea! I mean seriously, who the hell would even think of looking up into a tree in search of a potted plant??! 99% of the time.. nobody would! This is a great idea.. and thanks for sharing it.



Well-Known Member
Just a little update for you. Plant is looking good. Has deffinatly moved into the flowering stages and is deffinatly female. Any ways got like 65mph winds yesturday in a severe thunderstorm. I went out there right after and she thrived through it. It actually looked like she loved it. Any ways here are some pics. I wish she would have got a bit bigger before flower tho.001.jpg002.jpg004.jpg


Well-Known Member
you know, this is actually a genius idea. I really do like this idea! Nice.

Think about it, and I probably shouldn't say this.. but im going to anyhow. If I was still growing.. which of course would be indoors, as I love indoor growing and being able to have full control of the plants environment. Anyhow, yeah.. this would be a really really great hiding place for indoor container plants.

I mean, it wouldn't work during the winter/fall months when the trees are bare with no leafs.. but during the mid-late Spring/Summer time?? Hell yea! I mean seriously, who the hell would even think of looking up into a tree in search of a potted plant??! 99% of the time.. nobody would! This is a great idea.. and thanks for sharing it.

Oh not a problem man. Its funny you say who would look up in trees for potted plants. I happen to be the person that is always looking up. When i was very young i was walking through the woods and stumbled up on a few of my older teenager friend that had a pullie system going up into like a 50 ft pine with a pot plant in it. That is what gave me the idea. Ever since then i never stopped looking up!!


Well-Known Member
What's going on all!! Any ways just went and looked at the girl. She is looking very healthy and staring to really fill up with some pistols. Any ways my Internet is down at the moment because I was too broke to pay the bill. I will get up an update as soon as I get my internet up and running. She is looking great tho.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what's going on just figured I would shoot you a verbal update. Very thing is going great other than my Internet being down. I went and checked on the girl today. She is growing great and very healthy. Other than that I did notice a few leaves have been chomped on so I will spray her with my insecticidal soap the next time I give her a visit. Other than that darting to see alot more pistol development on the lower regions. Even starting to see small traces of Trichs on the top. Stay posted might have a visual update tomorrow for you guys if my Internet stops being gay!! Stay high


Well-Known Member
nice man subbed and + rep for being a genius !
haha goodluck to ya
Thanks for tuning in and rep right back at you. The idea came from my child hood watching the older teenagers use this method a long time ago. Any ways stay posted updating soon!!


Well-Known Member
Cool idea dude, it looks like where I'm from originally, where are you? is that like North Florida? Anyway Good luck. And oh, if you ever decide to clone a plant, the top is the worst part to try to clone.The bottom branches have waay more root hormone in them, and clone much easier. Topping is always good, but in your case with it flowering, it's better you didn't. She might try to revert on ya, as the days get longer. Good luck!!


Active Member
i once new a guy who grew on his roof, which was awesome for the full sun exposure, but uh, i guess he never thought about those flying thingies that people have these days.....
helichoppers or whatever theyre called....


Well-Known Member
Very nice Plant Penyajo! Forget about these fools that try to put you down. Your idea is great and its awesome you know the area and what to perpare for. Happy growing -Ss


Well-Known Member
Cool idea dude, it looks like where I'm from originally, where are you? is that like North Florida? Anyway Good luck. And oh, if you ever decide to clone a plant, the top is the worst part to try to clone.The bottom branches have waay more root hormone in them, and clone much easier. Topping is always good, but in your case with it flowering, it's better you didn't. She might try to revert on ya, as the days get longer. Good luck!!
Well my friend I would say you kinda hit the nail on the head with that one. I live in Florida more south than north tho. Any ways not going to be doing any cloning really seeming that it is already in flower. Although if you look at my indoor grow I did take some cloned from my papaya. Now they have been in flower for 3 weeks but these stalks were very lOw on the plant so they had not starting shooting pistols yet. I gues I am just going to throw them out side and see what happens. They were going to be cut off the plant any ways so I figured I would clone them. Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for an update. Rep to you


Well-Known Member
Very nice Plant Penyajo! Forget about these fools that try to put you down. Your idea is great and its awesome you know the area and what to perpare for. Happy growing -Ss
Thanks for tuning in my friend. I dont let these mooks get to me. I guess they have forgot that cops are lazy sons of bitchs that are never going to gps mark the one bucket they see in the woods. Then drive to the area tromping thru about a mile of woods to possibly find nothing. Any ways going to be updating a little later today or possibly tomorrow so keep you eye out cause she is starting to look great. Rep to you my friend.