Nirvana seeds suck


Well-Known Member
Nirvana is the ony seed bank i get mine from, its a 100 to 90 percent chance that all my seeds will crack, the only time i had a problem with there seeds is a freebie they sent me , block head, wao what a stone , but out of 10 seeds only two sprouted, and one was a male, honestly the ''best'' method for germating seeds is with a wet paper towl, put a two paper towls in a paper plate and soak the towl, then ring it out sparingly, spread the seeds out cover with paper towl, put in dark place, make sure your towl doesnt dry out or they wont sprout, i use a spray bottle to keep it wet, 3 too four days is the usual time it takes to pop


Well-Known Member
I agree, I think the seeds are drowning. I use a paper towel method also but it is a little different. I take a 4 or 6" glass, line the paper towel on the inside and wet it. Then it will adhere to the sides of the glass. I put seeds between the glass and towel put 1" of water in the glass and roll it around rewetting the towel and the seeds. I put it in the window and usually have germination of most seeds in under 72 hours. If the paper
towel starts to dry out cappilary action from the water at the bottom of the glass will keep it moist. I don't need to worry for up to a week. The seeds stay moist but aren't sitting in water. HH


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have about a 98% germination rate from Nirvana seed stocks when I buy from them with a 8/10 female to male count each time.From sounds of what your saying your doing a bad germ job.Your using way to much water and should germ them before going into the rockwool cubes as the cubes hold high moisture which is too much. I didnt see a heating seedling pad being used or a correct humidity dome. An aluminum tray can cause a chemical reaction with certain nutes or germinating solutions.Are you using dark areas for germ and then a florescent type light for vegging new seedlings?? Id say it just poor germinating techniques you have developed.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
And a cheap most effective version I learned and use is to fold a paper towel and get a cd jewel case. You fold the paper towel to the size of the jewel case so it opens like a cd cover like a book.You wet the paper towel lay the seeds inbetween the paper towel "pages" then fold it over the top of the cds then close the cd case so the seeds are between the wet paper towels then place this in a sandwhich abg then in a dark drawer for day or 2.Each day open the zip lock bag and the cd case then lift the paper towel so you can see the seeds usually 24-72 hours all seeds germ with 1/2 inch tap root


Well-Known Member
Nothing but love for Nirvana from me... I always have a 100% germ rate, about a 70/30 female to male ratio and some pretty consistent and uniform plants. Can't beat the price and customer service either. I just planted seeds that were 3 years old 8 days ago and all are on their 2 set of leaves with no problems. Trust me, Nirvana knows what they are doing when it comes to seeds. I remember OG where they used to have tons of write ups about genetics, breeding, growing and the list goes on.

That being said, you may have had a bad batch... it happens. Be patient and I bet they will make it right. Also, maybe revise your germination, propagation method a bit and see what comes of it (read their guide and see how they suggest). Sorry to hear about your misfortune.


New Member
I may have fucked up my germing, I'll admit to that, But what pissed me off was no response from them for 2 emails for 2 weeks, and my emails weren't that caustic, I just wanted a response. No response=bad post.


The Gardener
Nirvanas probily just under estimated your growing skill,s
coz not many people have problems cracking the seeds like on here most people are not having trouble so they put you as the blame id say


Well-Known Member
i just got 2 packs of niv seeds, 10 reg ak48 and 10 d.poison.
i germed 4 of each pack and all 8 are doing fine, hope there not all male, like you said yours were


New Member
I may have to apologise for the Nirvana rant as it was basically my germing method. I've since gone to a paper towel moistened and rolled up in a mason jar w/ about 1/2 inch water in botom, put in a dark place and have had good luck. I apologise for the bad rap, although, I would have expected a response to my e-mails, and the male to female ratio still sucked.


shawarma king
I may have to apologise for the Nirvana rant as it was basically my germing method. I've since gone to a paper towel moistened and rolled up in a mason jar w/ about 1/2 inch water in botom, put in a dark place and have had good luck. I apologise for the bad rap, although, I would have expected a response to my e-mails, and the male to female ratio still sucked.
In my opinion the simplest germ method is 1. A Cup, 2. Distilled Water, and 3. A warm dark room for 24 hours.

Fill cup with water, add seeds, put away and forget for 24 hrs -


Well-Known Member
I just fold a wash rag, wet it with filtererd water every 2 days and it works every time . just damp! and dont look for three days. its somethig about the dark it seems to me. just trying to help.