Night time temps?


New Member
Now that the nights here are getting colder (45º-55º) should i slow the circulation fans speed down because of intake blowing colder air into grow room (wind chill). Actual room temps have been hitting 60º-69º before lights come on. I have 2 18 inch fans providing air circulation in the grow room.


Active Member
We need to know a bit more about your setup. If you are in flower then try to have the lights on during the night to keep the temperatures up during the coldest times. You could also attach a relay to a thermostat and hook it up to your fan so it would stop blowing when the temperatures sipped below 70 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Running at night will do the trick but make sure your day temp (sleep time) temp is lower. Otherwise it will def fuc some shit up.


Active Member
Actually.. my thinking on that always is.. molds spread real easy in any kind of humidity at those temps.. keep those fans going more than ever, and make sure you are venting.. the more air circulation at those temps the better.

That is always the way I have played it anyway, everyone else's own mileage may vary.


New Member
Now that the nights here are getting colder (45º-55º) should i slow the circulation fans speed down because of intake blowing colder air into grow room (wind chill). Actual room temps have been hitting 60º-69º before lights come on. I have 2 18 inch fans providing air circulation in the grow room.
My plants are late in flowering stage, around week 9. Trichs just starting to cloud on some.