Nice Buds!! When to harvest?? Pics!!


Well-Known Member
duude looks like your foliage(leaves) are a bit long for the amount of bud u have... i suggest cutting some tips buddy.. id say another 3 weeks to go... if ur wonderin why i say cut tips is cause its obvious ur plants puttin a hell of alot more energy into makin those leaves than ur bud


Well-Known Member
duude looks like your foliage(leaves) are a bit long for the amount of bud u have... i suggest cutting some tips buddy.. id say another 3 weeks to go... if ur wonderin why i say cut tips is cause its obvious ur plants puttin a hell of alot more energy into makin those leaves than ur bud
WTF?????? Leaves hold nutrients and carbohydrates essential for bud growth. Energy is distributed evenly in plant growth, not as you believe.


Active Member
WTF?????? Leaves hold nutrients and carbohydrates essential for bud growth. Energy is distributed evenly in plant growth, not as you believe.

I keep getting both answers when I ask questions regarding this. Can you elaborate? I.E. point me to a written/scientific source that explains how plant nutrients are dispersed/used? I'm not trying to be an ass, i just really want a straight answer to this question.

I have heard very very strong opinions from both sides, do prune leaves and don't prune leaves. Both side THINK they are correct, but obviously I cannot prune my plant while not pruning it at the same time. I kinda want to figure this out once and for all.


Well-Known Member
All I will add is that I have studied botany at degree level. BUt to put you out of misery...When leaves are removed from a plant, new leaves develop and grow from buds on the crown or stems of the plant. This growth requires energy which comes from reserve carbohydrates (sugars and starches) or from actively photosynthesizing leaves remaining on the plant. Most plants have a predictable plant growth-energy reserve cycle Manipulating this cycle is a useful tool. In short cutting leaves will cause a deviation in energy, usually evenly distributed, to help replace the leaves that have been pruned.


Active Member
Well enviroment conditions have a significant impact on the readiness of your flower. If your using a low light source, window light or low wattage. This would cause the flowering process to slow and go longer. But I would say your looking at about 4 weeks and then look at it again, and then see. It's bound to fill out more, or at least get more potent. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Senistar. Nice plant! All your going to get are guesses to that question. there are lots of determining factors that contribute to a plant ripening early or ripening late. Your plant looks like a sativa, or a sativa dominant. Sativas generally take a little longer to finish. If I had to guess, I'd say you got about another month for that lady.

In order to truly be able to harvest at peak harvest time, you'll need one of these... This Illuminated Microscope will allow you to see when your trichomes are at that milky or golden goodness.

Im not going to enter into the debate about whether you should or shouldn't trim your leaves. I will say that I've seen successful grows both ways. Your plants seem to be doing ok, sooo... If it aint' broke, dont fix it.

I noticed some browning on the edges of your leaves. this could be the first signs of nute burn, or a magnesium deficiency. Back off on your nutes for a week. If the browning, or "burnt" look doesn't fade, you may have a magnesium deficiency. To remedy that, you'll have to foliar feed your plant 1/2 teaspoon of epsom salts to a quart of water. Mash up the salt, put it in a quart of hot water (not boiling!) and let it dissolve...then foliar feed it to your plants (spray on the leaves, top and bottom).

Only do this if the browning of the leaves get worse. For the most part, Id say your plant looks healthy. A bit scrawny, but healthy nonetheless.

Hope this helps, man!


Active Member
Well enviroment conditions have a significant impact on the readiness of your flower. If your using a low light source, window light or low wattage. This would cause the flowering process to slow and go longer. But I would say your looking at about 4 weeks and then look at it again, and then see. It's bound to fill out more, or at least get more potent. Good luck.

Thanks man that seem about right cause every thing is feeling up nice an rite as we speak.. so i went ahead an started flushing 2day...i kno what these plants can do in 2 weeks take a look at these pics.. picture 2 is 2 weeks b4



Active Member
Hey, Senistar. Nice plant! All your going to get are guesses to that question. there are lots of determining factors that contribute to a plant ripening early or ripening late. Your plant looks like a sativa, or a sativa dominant. Sativas generally take a little longer to finish. If I had to guess, I'd say you got about another month for that lady.

In order to truly be able to harvest at peak harvest time, you'll need one of these... This Illuminated Microscope will allow you to see when your trichomes are at that milky or golden goodness.

Im not going to enter into the debate about whether you should or shouldn't trim your leaves. I will say that I've seen successful grows both ways. Your plants seem to be doing ok, sooo... If it aint' broke, dont fix it.

I noticed some browning on the edges of your leaves. this could be the first signs of nute burn, or a magnesium deficiency. Back off on your nutes for a week. If the browning, or "burnt" look doesn't fade, you may have a magnesium deficiency. To remedy that, you'll have to foliar feed your plant 1/2 teaspoon of epsom salts to a quart of water. Mash up the salt, put it in a quart of hot water (not boiling!) and let it dissolve...then foliar feed it to your plants (spray on the leaves, top and bottom).

Only do this if the browning of the leaves get worse. For the most part, Id say your plant looks healthy. A bit scrawny, but healthy nonetheless.

Hope this helps, man!

Hey thanks so much man!! yea i was think the same thing im going to go ahead an grab one of microscopes from radio shack, im also going to try the folair feed but.. also i started flushing yesterday so im not sure how thats going 2 work out but i will give it a go.... i only have a few treads on here an all of them are bout these plants so if u go an take a look u will get a better picture of where im comin from... thans again...


Well-Known Member
to tell you the truth i may not have studied botany or anything but ive done research on weed itself for a few years now its like a hobby of mine maybe even obsession and alot of places and professionals sayto prune the plant to focus more energy on the bud itself instead of focusing on the leaves and if there big leaves there covering lower buds you should prune them and ya. your buds look very little and pruny like someone with anorexia or something nutes or size of pot and root space or something is not right im not a pro but im just letting you know what ive learned not saying im right and anyone else is wrong im just saying look into it and do the research for yourself so you get the best and most amount of bud you can you know? so you didnt just waste money for a shitty crop.