NFT problems: heat/slime?


Well-Known Member
I'm testing a self-built NFT tube system and trying to nail a couple issues. I think it's all heat related, but need input.

system is 4x 6"x5' black pipes. 1x 250gph external pump pushing up (good stream flow. very oxygenated). flow is back into an 18gal res that is tied into a larger 50gal res outside the room (another 250gph submersible pumping from the 18 into the 50, gravity feed from the 50 back to the 18. essentially @ 50gal total H2O between them). the 250gph submersible runs thru a pond filter with UV.

Temps run 77deg constant

I'm on trial run #2 now. #1 was missing the 50gal res and the large UV filter -- added because I was running 84deg temps with just the small res and getting a LOT of slime buildup on the roots + fungus gnats, eventually killed most of the plants within 4 weeks.

Run #2 problems are just now starting with same issues. babies start beautiful, build up nice root beards (@ 1 week in) and now the slime is starting again and my nice white roots and turning brownish and getting a slime. a few gnats, but not many/noticable yet.

light leakage in the res/tubes is not an issue. the UV filter should be killing any algae and eggs and the tanks look very clean.

WTF?!? I know ideal water temps are 65-72 ..... can the 77deg temps be killing me?

for an NFT or aero type system, what is being used for resevoir/root pest control? does adding gnatrol to the res help, or will they need to be dipped?


Well-Known Member
shhhh, its a gov plot, I got the same shit........but seriously, 77 is pretty high. my first grow which was dwc and aero (totes) and I had unreal temps going and never really got any algae . I'm talking room temps of 95 or better with uninsulated buckets/totes , hell a the buckets were even home depot buckets which aren't opaque a bit. How I got through one grow like that may have to do with the amount of h202 I used, sure my roots turned a little yellowish but other than that (see photo) no prob. Your problem does sound temperature related to me but hey I'm a noob. I've recently changed my mind about uninsulated totes/buckets and am going with all coolers.

