Nexiusus's Two-Headed Indoor Sativa Journal


I started this thread actually as an outdoor journal but I figured since it's gone indoor for flowering due to extreme heat in south florida it's not really interesting to the outdoor guys anymore.

So here's the deal. Twin is a 24 day old sativa. She was put into 12/12 at 16 days old and 4 fully developed nodes. The strange thing about her is that she was born with two natural main stems. At the second node she naturally grew 2 branches for some reason. At the moment she has one branch already with alternating nodes and 8 fully developed sets of leaves, and the other branch doesn't have alternating nodes and has 6 fully developed sets of leaves. Every single node has secondary branches at this point in time and the lower nodes have a second node on those secondary branches while the higher ones have one node.

Setup wise she is under a 150 watt hps producing 16,000 lumens. The HPS is being fan cooled and is at a distance of 6 inches from the top of the plant. For side lighting she has an adjustable CFL fixture that has 2x 26 watt 5500k CFLs producing 3200 lumens total. The CFLs are cooled by the same fan as the HPS and they are cool to the touch so they remain 1 inch from the plant. Since adding the side lighting I have noticed extensive growth on secondary shoots so I decided to keep them. So Twin is under a total of 19200 lumens at the moment.

The adjustable CFL fixture is expandable and probably about 1 to 2 weeks from today I will use a splitter and add 2 more 26 watt 5500k CFLs for a total of 22400 lumens. At 3-4 weeks into flowering I will switch the 5500k CFLs to 2700k to boost flowering since most of her upward growth will be finished.

This whole setup and grow journal was thought up by deciding to follow SeeMoreBud's book Marijuana Buds For Less. The results of his grow were astounding and almost seemed to me like they could not be reproduced so I decided to try it myself.

So Twin is now on her 9th day of flowering. Around day 6 I noticed calyxes on the 4th node and higher and so I kept an eye on them. Today on the 9th day of flowering all of the calyxes opened up and produced pistils that are easily visible to the naked eye. To be honest I have never ever seen such compact growth on a marijuana plant in my life. One main branch is 3.5 inches long and one contains 6 fully developed nodes, while the other is 4 inches long and has 8 fully developed nodes. That's around a node per 1/2 inch! It really is remarkable. Without further ado I welcome Twin.


Twin: Day 8
Well I decided to start a journal to keep track of my new plants as well as not to have to write in on paper and then lose (bad about losing things). Anyways I have 7 seeds germinating in my veg box under 5 27 watt 5500k CFLs. One of them is about to break off the seed but he has also broken ground over night. I have a bunch of extra bagseeds germinating in paper towel on the bottom of my veg box (nice and warm) just in case any of those seeds are duds. I also have one plant growing outdoors and is actually 6 days old now. The summer sun here in Miami is amazing hot. It sometimes gets to 100 degress and higher.

I didn't take any pictures of the guys in the box cuz straight up those are pretty boring s there is absolutely nothing go on there, But I figured I might as well show off my outdoor sprout.

Something is extremely strange about her. For some reason she started growing her second set of real leaves as though she has been topped, but she was never topped or fimmed. Check it out its really cool. She's growing super fast though so I'm not sure if it's the sweltering sun or maybe that it's a male that's doing that.

Twin: Day 10
Yeah super wierd the damn thing has two heads! Not sure why but it's pretty cool. Here's a little update. I decided to name it Twin. Theres another pic of another new outdoor plant. Not sure what to name it yet cuz it just sprouted but it has a little roasting on its first set of real leaves for some reason so im probably going to name it Toast. I'm actually thinking about force flowering these plants at a young age because I'm really not sure when they would start flowering if I didn't because I've never grown off season. But we'll see how it goes.

Gorgeous little genetic anomaly:

How precise is that? Pretty damn cool. I mean it's obvious it wasn't topped or accidently topped or anything it just naturally grew two main colas!

Sorry This pic sux:

Twin: Day 13
Today I checked up on my mushroom jars and one of them is up to about 5% colonization already after just a week. The other one is really not moving it seems like it could be contaminated. This was my first time using wild bird seed so I probably didn't get the moisture content 100% right. I did notice though that the one that isn't colonizing is the one that was made from the lower parts of the wet ground wild bird seed so it was the part with much higher moisture. could easily be contaminated. My rye bag on the other hand is taking off. It's already up to 5% as well and will be ready for shaking within a week.

My plants are doing fairly well considering the ridiculous amount of heat they are getting outdoors. The strong south florida summer sun is definitely doing them well.

Twin has got her fourth set of leaves and has started work on her fifth set. One thing that worries me today though is I noticed that her entire 3rd node's set of leaves on both colas are canoeing. I've never experienced leaf canoeing before so I'm really not sure what causes it and whether I should be worried about it but I am nonetheless.

Toast is doing fine she has her second set of leaves. You can definitely see on her first set of leaves though where the sun scorched her ass good. Thus the name toast sticks.

A look at freakshow Twin:

Twin's leaves are really canoed this morning. I checked her at 8 AM and it wasn't like that, then when the sun came up a little higher at 9AM they were like that. I think it may be the pounding sun.

Twin Side view:

Little Toast:

One of my tomato plants:

Twin: Day 14
well twin has took a turn for the worst. her condition is now much much worse. the plants leaves where the canoeing occured are now crispy... and when i say crispy i mean crispy. the previously canoed leaves are now brownish and some of the leaves have rust spots, yet they are responsive to light as they still aim upwards to the light but they are crunchy on the spots where the canoeing first started occuring. i decided to move the plant indoors under 4 26 watt CFLs at a safe distance of 4 inches and at a temperature of 78-79.3 degrees which is much much much less stressful then the 90-100 degree temperatures of the summer south florida sun. i hope it works out.

Twin: Day 15
I had to remove the burnt growth on twin which was the entire second node on both branches. I put her inside on 12/12 with 4 fully developed nodes and 4 inches tall.

she's currently under a 150 watt hps and 2 5500k 26 watt CFLs as well as a normal house fan. the temp is maintained around 78.4 F and there is a total of 19.2k lumens going her way. hopefully she will heal back up and be a strong heavy yielder.

Here's her little setup, just for her!:

Twin: Day 17 - Flowering Day 2
i started noticing the beginning signs of heat stress on toast's 2nd node. it is just too hot to be in direct sun in south florida right now for a young plant. toast was pulled indoors and put under lights for 24 hours until I can figure out a shady spot for her outdoors. just too risky to have these guys in direct sunlight outdoors right now.

Group shot:

Here's twin:

Twin: Day 20 - Flowering Day 5
Notice the sweet amount of secondary branching on Twin!

And here's one more of her. Look what a difference 24 hours can make with the hps only 6 inches away and the cfl only an inch away with a higher powered cooling fan in place

Twin: Day 21 - Flowering Day 6
I noticed calyxes on Twin today. They haven't put out pistils yet but they definitely are female calyxes. Kinda early in the game she's just shy of three weeks old and just a week into 12/12. Nevertheless she's definitely going to be female. I buried her a little deeper in the dirt today because her stem under the cotyledons were getting those little bumps they get when they wish to start new roots.

Here she is:

Here's a frontal shot:

Check out the beautiful purpling and plentiful secondary growth:

Twin: Day 22 - Flowering Day 7
you can tell from yesterday's pics twin was hyper thirsty. i gave her 3 liters of water and she is still a little thirsty looking at the top. im not sure if i should give her more or wait till tomorrow and see if she's still thirsty.

Twin: Day 23 - Flowering Day 8
oh my she's a sexy one indeed.

Twin: Day 23 - Flowering Day 9
Here's a little something for the guys who like to look at girly parts. She put out pistils today. Hooray!



Well-Known Member
Hey man nice looking two headed plant! I would suggest tying down those two top shoots so that they are lower to the ground and will open up a ton of new bud sites. Look up LST for more info on tying your plants down. Keep up the real nice work


Hey man nice looking two headed plant! I would suggest tying down those two top shoots so that they are lower to the ground and will open up a ton of new bud sites. Look up LST for more info on tying your plants down. Keep up the real nice work
thanks alot guys. im real experienced in LST so ill have no problem incorporating into this grow as needed. i kind of want to leave it the way it is because in my experience LST produces a plethora of smaller buds rather than a few very large ones. ill admit that the overall weight is usually better with LST but i really want some nice forearm sized nugs this grow.


Twin: Day 27 - Flowering Day 12
Twin is really gaining height at an astounding rate. She's now 6 inches tall with 11 fully developed nodes on the taller cola and 9 nodes on the smaller one both with secondary shoots ranging from 2 to 3 nodes high. She's also an impressive 11 inches in diameter. The amount of growth in such a small space is just mindblowing. The amount of pistils she had 3 days ago has more than tripled as well. I wonder how long she will flower for and when she will stop growing height wise. Based on SeeMoreBuds book, which is the basis for this grow, his indica which was flowered at day 16 with 4.5 inches in height reached 24 inches after 32 days of flowering and did not get any taller. I'm hoping that since this is a sativa it will get at least that tall but since it has two colas I imagine that really does change everything height wise. She had 2 colas and was 4.5 inches tall when she was put into 12/12 also on day 16. Hopefully it puts on as much height and weight as his does.

An overhead view of the tops:

Here's a front view:

Sideways overhead:

Lots of pistils showing up now:


Twin: Day 29 - Flowering Day 14
Twin has put on another 1/2 inch of height today as usual. She has two 7 inch main colas now and she is 12 inches in diameter. She is growing really fast and assuming that she grows like this for another 2 to 3 weeks since it was put into flowering so early i'd imagine it will end up hopefully at least 14 inches tall. I'm hoping for her to grow much larger than that but at the rate she is growing now I don't see it getting any faster than that because the upward growth seems to be the quickest the first few weeks into 12/12. All of the secondary branches above the third node have plenty of pistils now as well. One cola is now 13 nodes high and the other is 11 nodes high. I had to remove the first set of real leaves from the bottom of the plant because they were completely dried up and dead due to the fact that they get no light so far below the canopy.



Twin: Day 30 - Flowering Day 15
Buds are now forming at each node and are full of pistils especially the ones on the tops. They are getting a little longer each day I noticed but as for now they are just filling in everywhere. She's continuing to grow at the identical steady pace of .5 inches taller a day on each cola. Now that the buds are developing though I've decided to drop the CFL lighting into the canopy so that it can properly light the bottom half of Twin's buds. The little buds are far enough under the dense canopy that they would miss out on most of the HPS rays so I figure this supplemental lighting will give them a serious boost.



Twin: Day 31 - Flowering Day 16
Ahh they grow up so fast! The nugs are really starting to fill in with action on each node and especially on the tops. The lower secondary branches have stretched out towards their respective CFLs and are showing some real good development as well. All of the buds, especially the tops, are full of pistils now and the pistils are getting longer everyday. This time next week I think they will really look great. She continues to grow at the same pace and is now up to 7.5 inches tall, 13 inches in diameter. Quite a little beauty indeed.



Twin: Day 32 - Flowering Day 17
She's up to 8 inches tall today. The buds on the lower branches are actually making it up into the rays of the HPS now. There's so many god damn buds on such a small plant. I really can't believe how many buds there are its mindblowing. The buds already look larger just since yesterday. I've arranged all the lighting and the fan leaves so that there is perfect lighting to nurture each and every bud. Hopefully all this effort will pay off.



Twin: Day 33 - Flowering Day 18
I guess nobody is really interested in watching my little indica flower. It's cool though this is more for me than anyone else. I'd much rather keep a journal like this then a hardcopy in case of emergency.

Twin is coming along very nicely. I look back at the photos of just two weeks ago, or even the ones from a week ago and the difference is astounding. The buds are really fattening up and alot of the branches below are making their way up to the light. I'd imagine there is going to be several small colas come harvest time besides just the two main ones. Some of those little branches already have tiny buds on their secondary shoots which is terrific. As we close in on the 3 week mark i really think the plant is coming along just fine. There is around 40 buds give or take right now not counting the little tiny ones forming on the secondary branch's secondary branches (lol??). The plant is growing at the same pace as it has been and is now up to 8 inches tall on the largest cola and around 7 inches on the smaller one. The diameter is an astounding 14 inches. Since the growth is so dense and so thick I can easily picture the main colas being one single bud from head to toe, which would make the whole grow a complete success because that's exactly how SeeMoreBuds mango turned out in the book, as well as it was the result I was trying to capture. Yield wise I have no clue how it is going to turn out because I have never seen a plant so dense with growth in such a small area and have so many budsites. It's really anybody's guess.



Active Member
looks great man im lovin the macro shots! check out my journal. i gotta update the pics this week but theres enough to look at. link is in my sig.


thx bro. im going to take some better macros tomorrow cuz i realized that its difficult to make out which is a pistil and which is a leaf when u take pics under the HPS. tomorrow's will be much more clear so everyone can see how great the nugs look. its really cool there is a total of 38 buds right now.


Twin: Day 34 - Flowering Day 19
Well I got plenty of macros for you guys today. There are now 10 smaller colas total that have reached above the middle level canopy into the HPS light's rays. This plant realy is going to be full of buds. It's fricking sick. The pistils are extremely plentiful on all the buds now and very long in length as they go in search of pollen. I'll let the pics speak for themselves.



lol right on dude i appreciate it. i just havent been checking the actual view count so i figured not many post not many viewers. macros usually attract people tho i figured id post all macros today


Well-Known Member
lol we practicly posted at the same time

i do have something to say now, those little buds are really impressive for such a young plant


Well-Known Member
Thanks to Kaleoxxx for turning me onto this grow.

I also have a natural twoheaded White Widow that is three weeks along.

I am looking forward to future updates, those buds look beautiful keep it up!



Thanks to Kaleoxxx for turning me onto this grow.

I also have a natural twoheaded White Widow that is three weeks along.

I am looking forward to future updates, those buds look beautiful keep it up!

thats sick dude. do u got a journal or some pics of it somewhere im dying to see another one like it! and thx for everyone who has been paying attention


lol we practicly posted at the same time

i do have something to say now, those little buds are really impressive for such a young plant
thx dude! yeah i was thinkin the same thing! it's only 20 days into 12/12 and the buds are realy looks terrific. ill keep up with the macros and the overall bud growth journals. she grew an entire inch last night and is up to 9.5 inches tall.