Newsflash - DC Lifts ban on Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
I'm always up for some good news - thanks for the head's up! Slowly but surely medical use of marijuana is becoming more acceptable and cannabis becomes (finally) something other than an evil weed causing reefer madness; rather, cannabis has long been used for medicinal purposes (which is how I use it) and the time is now for All Those Other People to accept that fact. Cheers! :)

Well, medical marijuana has been passed into law in DC. What makes this more interesting than the medical fields in California is because Washington DC is a District, thus directly under federal control.. if the federal laws can be changed in our nations capital, then hopefully it can change the laws in the rest of our country. With hope it can change the laws for Medical growers and distributers, who still get persecuted by federal law, even if their state allows it.

Nationwide legalisation here we come!