Newly Planted Clones All Having Problems


Hey I just planted these clones 5 days ago and they are all about 4 weeks old. 2 of them are drooping really bad. 2 of them are Getting the spots shown in the pictures and the other 2 seem healthy except for slight color issues.

Anyone recognize from the pics where I could be going wrong. I have grown from seed several times but this is my first attempt at growing from clones.

Plant info... most of them are some kind of Purple kush. they are under a 400watt HPS 18/6. The lights average about 25 inches from the plant tops.
Ociltating fan running about 12 hours a day. In the last 5 days I have only watered them 1 time really good with NO nutrients because the soil said not to for a few weeks. I really wanted to water them again tonight if yall think it will be okay. I guess it plans on how long it takes to get a shout back. lol

Oh the temp in the room has been hard to keep steady as well. It has definitely gotten down to 60 degrees in there at night even with the heater running. gets up to around 80 during the peak of the day. Humidity here is usually under 30%.



Active Member
Hey and wlcome to RIU. Thanks for the pictures. I cant tell you exactly whats wrong but I can help a little. What kind of soil? It looks like coco or just dirt from the back yard? Whats your PH? Usually clones will discolor a little when put into soil because the PH fluctuates from cube to soil. I would water around the main stem and not in the middle or on the stem. Buy a moisture meter for $5 bucks at OSH or Home Depot or Ace or Lowes. Get used to how heavy a dry container of dirt is and use it incomparison to your plants in soil to see if they need water. If your not PH'ing your water, then make sure you feed them the same water over and over. Dont get water from diffrent sources as it will possibly change the Ph. You dont want up and down PH. If useing a good soil, dont feed them yet. Just water. There still young so you have time to help them. PK grows real slow so be patient Peace,SS


Thanks! I have been PH'ing the my tap water which worked find with my other plants; our water here is pretty soft but comes out of the tap at like 7 or 8 PH. I don't have a ph meter I just use the drops and to my best to get it right to 6.0. The soils is the PH stabilized miracle grow potting soil for herbs and vegetables.

These clones are from cubes and were very cramped when I got them. The poor things needed a transplant BAD. Should I be adding humidity to this room? No idea what the heck those nicely patterned spots are from? lol


I usually just stick my finger into the dirt and if I pull it out and dirt is sticking to my finger there is still moisture in the dirt. I am thinking maybe the watering was not enough water. I only gave them about 2 gallons over the last week. Just seems like a lot since they are only around 10 inches tall. =) Tomorrow when it warms up a bit I will water them thoroughly and hopefully they start reaching for the sky again.
To me it looks like you have no drainage, are there holes on the bottom of the cup? Also looks like no perlite. I use light mix soil from bio-bizz and the bio line from GH and have 100% success rate with transplanted clones.



hi. i am a frist time grower and i thought i had all my bases cover but when i got my clones the came in 4in sqaure rock well cubes... so i transplated them with good roots sytem showing.....2 days later they started to wilt then i check the soil and it was really wet but the cubes were dry...i am leting them dry right now but evrytime i water they wilt even more... maybe i used to much nut,,,,or over watered please help....
here are some pics i let thrm dry out on perlite...or flush with low ph.... how can i bring them back



So today the plants seem to be perking up a little bit. Maybe they are going to turn around. I gave them a light watering last night with no nutes. I am going to get get my hands on some filtered water for the future. Maybe this will help the process a wee bit. Thanks for the soil and ph meter tips. I heard they were useless but I am willing to give them a try for sure!

I will take pics tomorrow and get em posted.