newly cut clones drooping, rockwool, pics, + rep!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. 24hrs into the clone. Rockwool cubes soaked in 5.0ph water nuted with 1 drop superthrive/gallon. Clones cut 45% angle with fiskar fine tip blade shears, dipped in rubbing alchol, then i shaved tip of cutting 1/4 inch for more roots, dipped in dyna gro root hormone. Then I stuck them in the rockwool. I squeezed the rockwool, but they were still wet, not damp. Opening the dome a couple of hours ago there was water one the floor of the dome. I also initially sprayed the cubes and leaves. I wont spray the leaves next time, just the cubes and dome. Humidy is great and lights are two 3't-5 flouros. I think the cubes are too watered, I dried the floor of the dome, and just looked at the dome, still humid as hell in there. I think as long as it is super humid, I'll only mist the cubes again when the cubes are just damp, not wet. Any help is super appreciated! Newbie 1st time, researched, but learning through doing it! +rep for any vetran cloning experience!



Well-Known Member
Heard from a experienced cloner that if theyre still droopy lighten the load, trim or cut the fan leaf on the side that is droopy. Sounds good. If they're still droopy tomorrow i'll try this. no hurtin in letting it wait another day, because cubes are still wet. Got 24 clones and I only need 6 so experiments are welcome. I'll post results for sure. Hope this helps any newbs newbier than me at cloning.


Well-Known Member
No heat pad. I live in cali, clone dome is raised/isolated from shelf by magazines, and when i lift the dome to spray, it's warm and super humid. Not heat to the bottom though. COuld that be my prob, or the cutting being too heavy.


Active Member
It's not a problem of the clones having too much vegetation on them. I have cut clones much larger... Couple of questions:
1) What type of hormone did you use?
2) Did you PH the H20 before you soaked rw?
3) How often are you spraying/watering?

My suspicion - they look water logged. I would gently squeeze excess water from the rw, and only open the humidity dome once a day. I keep my rw semi damp, but you need to provide the roots with plenty of oxigen rich medium to stretch roots into. If your medium is waterlogged it will produce an environment non-condusive to root growth. Next time you water, make sure you H2O is @ 5.5 ph - if you have a little cash hanging around - I always added a touch of Advanced nutrients jump start to my clones. Seems to produce faster rooting times.

Answer 1-3 and we will see if we can get these clones rocking.

- Big D


Active Member
Sorry - I didn't read your original post very well - super high right now...

Don't dip your clones in rubbing alcohol - use water - for sure.

Water seems to be your problem here... Make sure the rw is damp - but don't spray anymore. Give them a day or 2, make sure they are never dry - but I definitely think there is an over-watering :fire:issue here.


Well-Known Member
+rep for sure Big D, as i suspected water logged rw. Clones looking way better today. Clones need water, but they need oxygen too! Thank you everyone and once again thank you riu, always there when I need it!


Active Member
Sick maing - glad the bitches are looking better. I have done a lot of experiments with rooting, and the best combo I have found is:
1 gallon of H20
2 ml Advanced Nutrients Jump Start
1 cap Advanced Nutrients B-52
Clonex as a rooting hormone

Your system will obviously work well, and you can definately achieve a 100% survival.
- but I found that rooting time can be reduced from around 2 weeks to more around 7-10 days.

Good diagnoses homie - you were already on the right track. I smell a clone master in the works.

- Cheers.
- D


Well-Known Member
appreciate it D. This is the part when it goes from frustrating, to fun! Now for some stress free experimenting, cheers!