newbie white widow grow first grow


Hey guys newbie here just picked up a white widow clone about 15" tall for 20 bucks I am using a 90 watt UFO led light and I have yet to build a room for it. I haven't transfered it yet just been keeping the light on it.247 and watering with water with ph of 6.8 to 7 I will try to get a pic up soon I'm just looking for some help along the way if anyone wants to lend a hand


Active Member
i will follow the post man and ur always welcome to pm me with questions i will try my best to answer with the knowledge i have


Thanks a lot guys. Could anyone let me know if I can post pics on here my phone? If I get a good pic on here could you guys let me know where I should trim and if I should top my.plant. I'm thinking within the next week transfering to a 5 gal bucket what would you reconend for fert? Any tips for the transfer?


Active Member
i recommend fox farms line grow big and big bloom they are easy to use and not hella pricey. as far as posting with phone you can but make sure you turn location off. As far as topping is concerned give a pic but you want to wait tell plant is over transplant shock


Active Member
looks pretty good but leaves are drooping. Possibly over watering. Make sure the soil is dry 1-2 inches down from the top before you water every time


Thanks for the tip I was thinking over watering and it being 56 out was hurting it I haven't watered since yesterday so I'm gonna do what you said and wait till she's dry 1-2 inches deep. So anyways the grow big and big bloom are nutes right? What mix do you recomend since I'm gonna give her a little time to get more healthy before I transplant ill be able to collect everything I need within a week I hope


Active Member
ya grow big for veg and big bloom for flowering with like 1/8 grow big to keep nitrogen lvls up those are both by Fox Farms btw I think they will run you like 20 each but should last ya a couple grows. ya those temps are pretty cold they can take them most likely but it will slow down growth. and are you asking me about soil mix or nute mix?


Well-Known Member
looks nice, she could be a little darker green at this stage .. maybe give her a little more food,
also growing slender and tall, maybe consider tieing the head over to make the bottom grow make her more of a bush
she is a fairly small plant i would not suggest cutting anything off of her like topping, i think bending would be better

peace :)


Active Member
^^i agree about the nutes but we have been talking about them i was gonna recommend he LST(Low stress training) after he topped. There are more than enough nodes to top


The only thing I'm feeding her is water with a ph between 6.5 and no more then 7. Other then that I have no idea about nutes how often you feed them. Theres a local hardward store around here that sells fox farm products just let me know what you think I should need.


Active Member
just grow big until flower starts start off at 1 tsp per gallon of water to start and go up from there nute every other watering


Thanks man is there a web site I can order the grow big from? She's looking a lot better today got a small fan for it last night.


Hi Fatwidow! I am also on my first white widow grow!!! Just wanted to make sure that you turn off GPS when taking pictures... wouldn't want any location information to be posted in the picture data... Something that can easily be overlooked, I didn't check your pictures for it, but it is something to keep in mind when using a phone for pictures. Gotta look out for fellow growers, haha.


Hey thanks for looking out! I think I have turned off all location settings is there a way I can check the pic?