newbie watering issues


Well-Known Member

i have some babies in coir pellets, so sticking in the finger to check would kinda destroy everything.
How much water should i give them im using a small syringe, to give them like 6ml water per day, is that enough or too much?
I can like only check the top if its dry...

Also is there any other reliable method to check without using the finger? Using sensors or other funny stuff?

Im wondering why is overwatering happening, im using soil in a plastic cup on some other plants there water could leave through some holes at the bottom (standard gardening stuff), so why can i still overwater with that standard method?


Well-Known Member
pick em up if they are light water them if they ar still heavy don't. you shouldn't have to water with a syringe and definitely not every day
When people say over watering its not the amount of water you put in at once its how much water you use over time. You could run 10 gallons thru a cup at once and be fine, but if you are watering it every day or few hours so the soil never gets a chance to dry making the roots grow searching for moister then you are over watering.


Well-Known Member
thx for the answer.

Well heavy is kinda relative, its a bit heavier then a dry pellet, but then it also has biomass in it and a bit of water.
Hm i could weight the pellet when dry and when watered, but how can i tell as noob which is the perfect amount.
On my first attempt the pellet was "heavy" and the seedling rooten :-( scared for it to happen again also not feeding enough...

Also whats it about overwatering when the water could leave the pellet /soil on holes on the bottom? -So water thats not dripping down and still held in the pellet would still be to much?

u could run 10 gallons thru a cup at once and be fine, but if you are watering it every day or few hours so the soil never gets a chance to dry making the roots grow searching for moister then you are over watering.
ah ok, thx a lot


Well-Known Member
thx for the answer.

Well heavy is kinda relative, its a bit heavier then a dry pellet, but then it also has biomass in it and a bit of water.
Hm i could weight the pellet when dry and when watered, but how can i tell as noob which is the perfect amount.
On my first attempt the pellet was "heavy" and the seedling rooten :-( scared for it to happen again also not feeding enough...

Also whats it about overwatering when the water could leave the pellet /soil on holes on the bottom? -So water thats not dripping down and still held in the pellet would still be to much?


ah ok, thx a lot
I don't use pellets I just plant right in a 2 inch pot full of soil so the weight thing works a little better. something you get the hang of over time, you can go in your room pick the pot p a little and know right away if it needs water. I am kind of anti pellet. I would just plant that pellet in a pot now, be sure it is fully covered with soil and water it in then feel the weight of the pot wait 3 days and feel it again you will be able to tell


Well-Known Member
I think im going to actually do that. In the first place i wanted to use just soil, but a friend told me to use those pellets my oldest plant has soil.

Can u take a look at it and tell me if its ok?
Im worried about those brown small leaves...

Its been at a window, now 2 days ago i finished my fixture and its under leds.



Well-Known Member
hella stretched out, those are the cotyledons, they do that, probably be time to start feeding soon. I am kinda anti led too but sure it looks healthy
I think im going to actually do that. In the first place i wanted to use just soil, but a friend told me to use those pellets my oldest plant has soil.

Can u take a look at it and tell me if its ok?
Im worried about those brown small leaves...

Its been at a window, now 2 days ago i finished my fixture and its under leds.


When I first started I was so afraid of "overwatering" that at first I weighed the pots with dry soil and then would weigh them each day after watering till they started to get close to that dry weight. Eventually I purchased one of those meters from Home Depot or somewhere. But as time has gone on I've just gotten a feel for when they need it.


Well-Known Member
thx a lot.
Maybe I will get into weighting.
Yea i figured that they r way too stretched...stupid place at the window, darn customs office held my last parts of the fixture for like 1,5 months...

Something i can do about that?
My coco pellet friend told me to put them much deeper in the ground, i thought i could do that when they need a bigger pot.

What do you mean by "start feeding"?
You are talking about nutes? -I made the soil out of like 20% perlite, good gardening soil and like 30% of garden made compost.
I thought it will take a lot of more time till i need nutes.

When using leds, i guess i will even have to water less then every 3rd day?

Why r u anti led, -yield wise?


Well-Known Member
I am anti led because everyone that says how great they are either disappears to never show you their great results or they shove a ton of supplemental lighting in with them I have seen no evidence of them being better than hps. you can burry them when they get transplanted and of coarse I mean nutes that's what plants eat.... looks like it wont be long before that plant wants some food.
yea i figured that they r way too stretched...stupid place at the window, darn customs office held my last parts of the fixture for like 1 month...

Something i can do about that? My coco pellet friend told me to put them much deeper in the ground, i thought i could do that when they need a bigger pot.

What do you mean by "start feeding"? u talk about nutes?

-I made the soil out of perlite, good gardening soil and like 30% of garden made compost. I thought it will take a lot of more time till i need nutes.

When using leds, i guess i will even have to water less then every 3rd day?
Why r u anti led? -yield wise?


Well-Known Member
Hmm i thought that led section here gathers experienced former hps growers that show their results in their journals and dont play any tricks there, aside of black sheep that u can find everywhere.
Or do you just think their results r crap?
I dont think they say its much better but on par yield wise and u have advantages like almost no heat, less watering, friendly electric bill but higher inital cost on the other hand.
But looking at ur almost 5k posts i think i should stop talking :-)

Well I just hope those plants dont die before harvest, not even imagining any yield... :)

Im not english, but I hope u meant bury after transplant as in put them deeper and cover them with soil and not bury as in "they gonna die" :-)

Any sign i can follow when to give them nutes aside from leaves r getting brown or something drastical like that?


Well-Known Member
keep an eye on the leaves they will tell you what you need to know. they start getting light or yellow toward the bottom of the plant they want veg nutes. they start getting brown spots on the mid to upper leaves they want cal mag. feed a well balanced veg nute and a well balanced bloom nute, don't be afraid to feed veg nutes in flower, that's pretty basic but may save you some headachs
Hmm i thought that led section here gathers experienced former hps growers that show their results in their journals and dont play any tricks there, aside of black sheep that u can find everywhere.
Or do you just think their results r crap?
I dont think they say its much better but on par yield wise and u have advantages like almost no heat, less watering, friendly electric bill but higher inital cost on the other hand.
But looking at ur almost 5k posts i think i should stop talking :-)

Well I just hope those plants dont die before harvest, not even imagining any yield... :)

Im not english, but I hope u meant bury after transplant as in put them deeper and cover them with soil and not bury as in "they gonna die" :-)

Any sign i can follow when to give them nutes aside from leaves r getting brown or something drastical like that?
didn't realize I had so many posts..... spread out over 6 years I guess that's not so bad.... I see newbies joined this year with 3000 posts and it makes me wonder why anyone would take advice from someone who spends there time trolling for rep in toke and talk...... anyhoo..... I am not the authority on led lighting, I have not looked into it in a long time, maybe it has come a long way. I get good results with an hps. it cost 20 bucks a month to run and really they say you ar saving and then say they run a 400w setup that is equivalent to a 400w hps but somehow it cost less to run. as for heat, all the pictures of these things I have seen they have to have these fans built into them to keep them cool. I think over the years information has gotten watered down creating this environment of kids sticking lights that are way to big into a small tent and wondering why it gets hot. put an hps in the proper size room and exchange the air once every minute and it won't be too hot it won't cost any more and you will have better results with higher yields. again I don't keep up with the new stuff but hps has never let me down and I have been growing since the 90's.


Well-Known Member
really thx a lot for ur help.

about led, as you can see i have like zero experience growing.
But I like digging into tech. So this mj grow is for me about both fun with led and more about the fine mj.
Because of that of course i did my led fixture the DIY way...its like 120$ for 120W, spectrum adapted to what i think mj needs most, i think its not really that great but i read in biggest newb mistakes: spending too much too early, because experience is really what gets it going...

The point about led is they r far more efficient. Same wattage leds produce far more light then bulbs or hps. So this 400W led equals 400W hps is either very old or a myth...but not true.

Its true, they have fans, because they produce heat too but much much much less.
So imo its simple as that: efficiency means for same light output -> less power consumed, less heat...
I think its like comparing a new tech car vs an old muscle car, sure the old car has far more horsepower, the new car still wins the race ...efficiency
But sure, their is a lot of crap, watching the led forum there is like once every couple of days a question regarding whether they should buy the biggest crap in led history or not...some cheap 15W ebay led fixture...

look at these:
i dont have no clue about yields expectancies and all that but i think these a trustworthy good journals, from the first page of the led forum:

also u might find this interesting:
from what ive seen people here like that panel very much and also get very good results with that, and also there is a manual for DIY

not everything in wiki is a lie :)
"LEDs present many advantages over incandescent light sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved physical robustness, smaller size, and faster switching. However, LEDs powerful enough for room lighting are relatively expensive and require more precise current and heat management than compact fluorescent lamp sources of comparable output."

"I have not looked into it in a long time" -much has happend the last years.

[...] The impact of Haitz's law which describes the exponential rise in light output of LEDs over time can be readily seen in year over year increases in lumen output and efficiency. For example, the CREE XP-G series LED achieved 105 lm/W in 2009,[SUP][101][/SUP] while Nichia released the 19 series with a typical efficacy of 140 lm/W in 2010.

What do you think? Id love if i had convinced you to atleast look a little bit into led nowadays in a matter of take and give


Well-Known Member
really thx a lot for ur help.

about led, as you can see i have like zero experience growing.
But I like digging into tech. So this mj grow is for me about both fun with led and more about the fine mj.
Because of that of course i did my led fixture the DIY way...its like 120$ for 120W, spectrum adapted to what i think mj needs most, i think its not really that great but i read in biggest newb mistakes: spending too much too early, because experience is really what gets it going...

The point about led is they r far more efficient. Same wattage leds produce far more light then bulbs or hps. So this 400W led equals 400W hps is either very old or a myth...but not true.

Its true, they have fans, because they produce heat too but much much much less.
So imo its simple as that: efficiency means for same light output -> less power consumed, less heat...
I think its like comparing a new tech car vs an old muscle car, sure the old car has far more horsepower, the new car still wins the race ...efficiency
But sure, their is a lot of crap, watching the led forum there is like once every couple of days a question regarding whether they should buy the biggest crap in led history or not...some cheap 15W ebay led fixture...

look at these:
i dont have no clue about yields expectancies and all that but i think these a trustworthy good journals, from the first page of the led forum:

also u might find this interesting:
from what ive seen people here like that panel very much and also get very good results with that, and also there is a manual for DIY

not everything in wiki is a lie :)
"LEDs present many advantages over incandescent light sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved physical robustness, smaller size, and faster switching. However, LEDs powerful enough for room lighting are relatively expensive and require more precise current and heat management than compact fluorescent lamp sources of comparable output."

"I have not looked into it in a long time" -much has happend the last years.

[...] The impact of Haitz's law which describes the exponential rise in light output of LEDs over time can be readily seen in year over year increases in lumen output and efficiency. For example, the CREE XP-G series LED achieved 105 lm/W in 2009,[SUP][101][/SUP] while Nichia released the 19 series with a typical efficacy of 140 lm/W in 2010.

What do you think? Id love if i had convinced you to atleast look a little bit into led nowadays in a matter of take and give
I will look and who knows what will happen inn the future.