Newbie time


Active Member
Just joied RIU, i always followed my brother's threads so had no need to make one. But now I got one, granted I still have about a year and a half till I can grow...... but ey fuck it, as long as I'm on here I'll probably be a pro with all the knowledge I will gain by the first grow. Any other newbies feel free to post on here, I've been smoking that good good for five years, what about you?


Active Member
Been reading awhile but far from a pro haha. Just started my first grow last week and my thread about it today.


Active Member
family issues making me have to stay with the parents for another year and a half, it blows. but in the mean time ill be here reading and blowing trees :)


Active Member
yeah dude sucks for your friend. Have fun with your grow, i expect to hear some crazy chivalrous life threatning adventures you took in order to help your ladies lol. Keep it updated, and if you got the questions, ask them.


New Member
You can read all you want. But intill you start up growing you won't have any REAL experience sorry.

I was 12 (living with parents) when I first started growing. Long ways away from "noob" if I were you I'd start thinkin about how stealthy I could be (:

Happy Mary Jane days


Active Member
Oh yeah ganjapussy no doubt about as soon as I start growing no matter how much I've read I'll still have questions. And dude stealth aint a problem lol