Newbie struggling with flower stage!!!!!

Passin that?

New Member
Hi, please take a look at my pics. This is cotton candy. about 4 weeks into flower. there doesnt seem to be the usual "skunk" smell its more of a veggie smell. I have the plants around 5 inches from a 600w light.

the leaves at the bottom of the plant are similar so I know its not the heat from the lamp.

Please tell me what, if anything is wrong.

thanks in advance

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Poor thing, she looks like she was set on fire. I find 12 inches from a 600hps is more like it. Unless you bulb is behind glass and is cooled off, you might as well try growing her on the surface of the sun. I would recommend lifting the lights and giving her a trim. Go easy on the nutes for a few days and give her a bit of recovery time. A little love will go a long way. Good luck.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
600w should be 12 -18 inch's from the glass on a sealed drawn air cooled hood......strain dependent.