"newbie" status...?


Well-Known Member
I've been happy to describe myself as a Newbie -- to me it means I'm so inexperienced that your answer to my question may lead to lots of other questions. As I gain experience, your answer to my question will not lead to other questions but will fill a gap. Then I'm more intermediate than new. And, like many of the arts, I'd say one stays "intermediate" for many years, then moving on to "advanced." The title of "master grower" means 10+ years of continual experience under many different scenarios. Not that titles mean as much as attitude...

I was HEARTENED to see a couple of months ago a post by someone who I respect here immensely who has been posting for years and has tons of rep ask a very humble question of the group. I can't remember who it was, but he came across something in his grow he had never seen before, and he posted a pic and threw it open to the forum to see if anyone knew what it was. I remember reading it thinking "wow, even HE can be stumped by something after so much experience." And I was happy to see his humility. Just shows you what a great community this can be...