Newbie Indoor Grow: 5 White Dwarf, 1 Quiksilver, 1 Gigabud

Whats up guys, my order of 5 white dwarf 1 gigabud and 1 quiksilver came in today. Only took 8 days shipped to hawaii from attitude seed bank!

Here's some strain info:
White Dwarf

Not too sure what genetics the quiksilver and gigabud have (got them for free), but im pretty sure White Dwarf = White Widow x Low Ryder 2

I plan on growing both indoors and out, put the plants outdoors during days with good sunlight, and keep them indoors in my closet during the night and when the sun outside is shitty. Im going to use a small cheap fan and a 400W MH HPS|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50

I have a total of 10 weeks to get these buds smokable, anything thats not ready by then Im giving to my sister to finish up (I need to go back to college at the end of summer).


Ill keep this updated regularly with pics and questions asking for help THIS IS MY FIRST GROW!!

Got the seeds, germinated them. This is what I did:

1. Doused 1x plate, 1x bowl, and 2x paper towels in boiling water.

2. Folded paper towels in fourths, got rid of excess water, waited til moisture was room temperature.

3. Lay one paper towel down on plate, laid seeds on it, lay another paper towel over the seeds, and then put bowl upside down over them.

4. Stuffed em in my closet!!

And now we wait. Ill post pics of my germination setup in about 24 hrs when I go to check up on them. Hopefully some will have sprouted!!
Hey guys I need some help! Once my plants germ, what should I do? I know I should put them in super small starter pots, but what kind of medium should I use? Is there a chance Id overfeed them? Should my medium be soilless or nutrient free?

Seeds have germinated already! I put them root down in 7 small starter pots, yes all 7 of them germinated well! I accidentally dropped one white dwarf and caught it on my shorts. . . hopefully it handled that trauma well. I mixed them in about 4/5 Miracle Gro enriched sphagnum peat moss, 1/5 Miracle Gro Perlite, with a little handful of granulated dolomite lime. Does that sound good for a medium? I watered em too, we'll have to wait a bit and see what happens, they're sitting on my porch.



sounds like your doing real good on your own. i can't offer too much advice as i'm pretty new at this too.
7/7 germ rate sounds like a great start.
Day 4

Plants have begun to sprout out, they're between 1/4" and 1/2". 6 out of the 7 have sprouted, but it's debatable considering every time I water them the medium shifts around and sometimes covers them up (I have to dig around lightly to get them back to the surface). Surprisingly the two free seeds are doing the best, the Quicksilver and Gigabud are the fastest and largest of the bunch and sprouted first, with 3 of the Dwarves still working on shedding the seed shell. My camera is too junk to take pictures of them they're so small, but ill update with pics in a few days to see where we're at!
Day 5

So its another day, I have a pic of my "good" crops. Of the 7, i pretty much murdered 1. Of the 6 remaining, 3 are still trying to sprout but have sort of popped out of the soil, and 3 others are doing nicely. Of the 3 that arent doing so well, I accidentally dropped one! Shit Ive pretty much killed 2 of my own plants from being an idiot. But I dont know if the shock killed it or not, the soil wasnt too disturbed and I just packed it back in nicely. 1 Quiksilver, 1 Gigabud and 1 White dwarf are the 3 doing the best, picture attached. My 400w MH/HPS should be in tommorrow, imma hook that shit up! Ill show you a picture of my setup once its all up



Active Member
Day 5

So its another day, I have a pic of my "good" crops. Of the 7, i pretty much murdered 1. Of the 6 remaining, 3 are still trying to sprout but have sort of popped out of the soil, and 3 others are doing nicely. Of the 3 that arent doing so well, I accidentally dropped one! Shit Ive pretty much killed 2 of my own plants from being an idiot. But I dont know if the shock killed it or not, the soil wasnt too disturbed and I just packed it back in nicely. 1 Quiksilver, 1 Gigabud and 1 White dwarf are the 3 doing the best, picture attached. My 400w MH/HPS should be in tommorrow, imma hook that shit up! Ill show you a picture of my setup once its all up

If you don't know what you need to do next, search around the site. With the 400w lamps don't let your plants get too hot. You can't overfeed them yet, because they dont need nutes yet. Get used to fucking up, it happens, and plants die. but that's how you learn.
Can somebody help me? Another of my dwarves just dried up and died. One still has its seed shell on, and another is the same size it was a week ago. Im afraid all 5 are gonna die. The gigabud and quiksilver are doing alright, just growing slow as fuck. ill attach some pics. Didnt know growing was so hard!


Well-Known Member
Well hope you get it sorted out, Im about to start growing myself. Trying to find place to grab seeds. Beginning of your post gave me some good information that will definitely help. Now to find the rest of the info :P


Well-Known Member
Mate a grew my first white dwarf (first of any plant really) mine is almost 8 weeks and SHOULD be ready but the buds are not ready. I grew in soil with 3 energy savers (really stuck for cash) total watt is 300 I think put apart from only being 9 inch and her hairs not going brown she is going great.

I started the seeds on wet kitchen roll then into a small soil thing that expanded from a solid casino chip into a 2-3 inch bag when wet (fuck knows what its called, were 10p each from shop)

From there I placed into a soil and vermiculite mix and its doing great.... well looks ok, smells really bad and the bird is going nutts thinking everyone outside can smell it lol so thats good yea? :-)


New Member
DO NOT let your sees dry out when they sprout. Keep them under a humidity tent for the first 2 weeks just in case. They demand higher humidity in early stages of growth and no goddamn nutes before 14 days at all! The dwarves will shrivel up and die with any nutes usually until day 20...they are cheap as fuck to grow and I love them. The giga will make your dick hard, i got one right now in a 4 gal Hempy and LST, she started budding like 2 weeks into flowering and is massive with numerous bud sites I cant even count. Few keys when starting...humidity (over 70%) for young plants and PH bal water only, Keep them under 80 degrees but over 70 for rooting to be best and dont mess w them too much...soil is slow as shit. I use a mix of Perlite and Grow rocks (hydroton) in Hempy buckets (google it) and nothig is faster or more forgiving. BEST OF LUCK BABY!