Newbie in indoor grow i need some advice! My first grow


Hi guys ,
i just buy my auto lowryder #2 , auto berry and auto widow. i purchased an ufo light 90 w lights 3 band , some mix soil 1 has the ph 5-6,5 and another for cactus from 6-7 ph ( can i use this 2 ?) . what are the next steps exactly because i my first grow and i hope to make it good from first time :D and i need some good advice. thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
well if you want to make it good i would say dont use led lights. they dont do as good as mh and hps lights. i would say get a 400 watt mh for veg. and a 400 hps for flower and if you get a 400 watt digital ballast you only need 1 ballast for veg and flower. i use pro mix but you could use fox farm ocean forest or light warrior for soil. get a hygrometer my room stays around 70-74 degrees with the lights on and during veg humidity should be around 65% and 50% during flower. you need some nutrients i would say humboldt nutrients. thats what im using but you could go with fox farm, or maybe dutch master. i dont like them but i know people who like using them. i think my grow i start out the 2nd or 3rd week after the seeds pop above the soil and i start them out at 400 ppm. o ya you need a tds/ppm meter too. and up the ppm every week by like 100 ppm or something and make sure you dont give them nute burn. idk what else their is to do. soil is pretty easy. you could use co2 but its not a must have. it makes your plants grow alot better and def. make your yield bigger but i would get the hang of everything else first. i dont even use co2 and i do just fine. check out my grow if you want. i got some in hydro and some big bud in soil right now. hope some of that was helpful.


thx for answer i`m not living in usa ... just on a small island and i can`t find this soils...i will have just 4 plants for my first grow after that i will think about to get a hydrosystem.... you think the soil cactus is not good for my plants ? is the best that i can find with almost 7 PH (6,8 PH ) the rest of soil i find here are the acid 5-6,5 ph . i try to find also this lights you are saying but the peoples when i ask they are looking to me strange :) i already buyed the led lights i will try first time with this .. if you have another advice let me know . thx


Well-Known Member
ummm. im not sure about the soil cactus? but the lights, high pressure sodium (hps) for flowering and metal halide (MH) for veg shouldnt be that hard to find. they are high intensity discharge lights (hid). i get all my supplies from high tech garden supply. they have really good prices and a ton of stuff on there. everything you will ever need. im pretty sure they would ship to where you are. what country or island are you from?


Well-Known Member
what are you all trying to figure out. like do you know how to germinate them and everything or do you need advice on the whole grow cycle from startup to finish?


it is my first grow :) i read something on internet so today i just put the seed in a paper tower an leave them to crack :) if you can give me all information will be great .. i had not time now to order new grow i will try to do it in other way if this will not work... do you got hotmail or yahoo so we can chat?


Well-Known Member
it is my first grow :) i read something on internet so today i just put the seed in a paper tower an leave them to crack :) if you can give me all information will be great .. i had not time now to order new grow i will try to do it in other way if this will not work... do you got hotmail or yahoo so we can chat?
no i have gmail if that works? but ya putting the seeds in between 2 wet paper towels works really good. you can also take a glass full of room temp. water and put them in there until they crack. then just make a little hole about maybe 1/2 inch to an inch deep at most and put the seed in root pointing down of course. cover it up with the dirt but dont press the dirt down over it. just lightly cover it. then water it until you see some runoff. then you basically gotta wait until she pops her or his head above the soil. just make sure you dont over water them. i say when the soil is dry about 1 inch or 2 from the top of the soil then water it.