newbie hydro question plz help


Active Member
hi i was just wondering if u where growing a auto flowering plant in a small grow box with a little hydroponics sytem inside and the pump is attached to the same thing my lights are that are on a timer switch now i now without oxygen they get root rot and stuff but do u think they could cope with the pump being off for 4-6 hours as it would be either going with 18/6 or 20/4 if i can get away with it being of for 4 hours or 6 without rly harming the plant like would it get root rot for not having it on for 4 hours a day plz advise guy i bought it off claims it will be fine but i dont trust him anymore selling me some crap box


Active Member
cmon guys just say yes or no if my air pump on my system was off for about 4 hours would be on for 20 hours and there must be some oxygen left wen it turns off would this fuk my plant up ?


Active Member
I'm sorry I don't know if this will damage the plant and would not want to guess. I just wondered how the pump was fixed to the light? can you post a picture as you should be able to split them up and run the pump 24/7.


Well-Known Member
im assuming you are running a mini DWC setup which you dont specify but the point of that system is to highly oxygenate the water meaning why would you want to have the air pump off ever i run pumps all time 24 hours now i have had them off for 6 hours before in the past due to power outages and what not with no ill effects but not every day and would never run them on my light cycle just a bad idea i would assume your plants would start showing signs of over watering after a while from lack of oxygen in the water.


Well-Known Member
Pump stays on 24/7 ALWAYS.... Best to buy a cheap back up pump in case one breaks.. thats where your roots get oxygen from. 24/7


Active Member
i have electric issues so my airstone is on seperate timer and only comes on for an hour before each watering

if i was convinced airstoning did that much then i still wouldnt be worried as u can only oxgenate water so much as it gets to oxygen saturation point (can absorbe no more)

in my 1st grow few years back no one used airstones really we all added H2 O2 (hydrogen peroxide) - it causes a chemicle reaction that produces more O2 in water (very low strengh needed) while also protecting against mould

i advise u to avoid root rot by keeping the bulk of roots out of standing water also when u initialy pot your plant sink a small plastic pipe (8") in the grow medium to allow air flow to bottom of roots