Newbie grow one month in


Hi, this will be my third time trying to grow, and this time I've chosen indoors rather than outside , as I tend to burn my plants in my mini greenhouses. They usually die after the Second set of branches at about 3 inches so I don't really know what to expect now cause my girls have lived in my cupboard now for A month and are looking nice, now having 7 alternate branches And they have started to grow one inch additional branches on them.

I'm growing under two 4ft 40 watt 6500k fluoros 16/8 hrs in a tomato gardening soil and they stand at Bout 10 inches tall.

How much longer till I can sex them and how much longer till I change to a 12/12 light cycle.


Active Member
Hey man, I had a couple of experts answer a similar question for me last night, so I will pass along what I was told. During your flowering stage your plant will double or sometimes triple in size, so that's how you determine when you want to switch to 12/12. When your plant has reached about half the desired size you can induce flowering. You will have about 6-10 weeks of flowering depending on your strain. Once you start your 12/12 you should be able to tell the sex of your plants within a week or so. Little balls = Male and V shaped hairs = Female.


Active Member
I am growing a White Widow strain and I have been vegging for 6 weeks. My plants are right at a foot tall and I went to 12/12 yesterday, I hope this helps.


New Member
My plants are about 5 days younger that yours and are a little bit more bushy and a tad bit taller , But yours look great probably difference in strain


Yeah in Australia we dont really have any major chronic, and we can't import without a nasty letter from the customs office. It was decent weed when I smoked it but had a few seeds, so I really hope at least one of the 5 is female. Might chuck in another fluoro and let them veg a few more weeks