Newb Planning To Grow


Active Member
2 out of the 5 seeds sprouted and are abour 4 inches tall but barely have any leaves... any ideas? or is this how they should be...

thanks for any help...



Well-Known Member
well typically when they sprout they have 4 leaves those two round ones and the tiny pointy ones in the middle am i right?

4 in? sounds a little stretched how close is the light to them? if its a cfl it should be like a lil more than 2 inches

you really want them to be wide w/ lots of leaves before they get tall



Active Member
ive moved the light closer now its about 6 inches away and ive got two 1200 lumen fluorescent lights. and yeh it does seem a little stretched to me as well...

yeah your right two rounded leaves and two small pointy leaves but the leaves are very small and have been for ages but before i got the fluorescent lights i just had a rubbish light that i couldnt adjust the height of...

I also have a wierd revolving fan going in the wardrobe im growing them in ^_^

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:

P.S. i have just moved the light to about 2inches from the top of the massively tall sprout lol...
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Active Member
im just wondering does anyone know if two 1200lumens fluorescent phosphorous lights be enough to grow these plants under...

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
Grow FAQ/lighting, lamps, reflectors and electricity/HOW MUCH LIGHT DO I NEED TO VEG CANNABIS PROPERLY?

Underneath basic fluorescent info.


Active Member
these plants are too tall they keep falling over for now ive tied them to a pen lol any idea what i should do? ive got a fan in there but if i use it they keep falling over... any ideas people???

also while tieing them down i kinda damaged the stem =( please let me know what i should do... should i start over as these plants are way too tall... or is there a way i can fix it...

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
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Active Member
anybody know if it would work or be a good/bad idea to cover up the stem with some soil so that it isnt so tall...

Please help people i dont want to kill my plants when theyre like 5/6days old...

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok so im new to this and have got 10 seeds(unknown) from a friend and could do with some help, which form of lighting is the best and the cheapest to use...
at the moment when i start growing them which i havent yet they will be in a small box lined with tin foil and a light attatched to the top of the box but i need to know a light that i should get which wont cost much to buy or to use... any ideas?

thanks for any help.


P.S. just been reading around and found out that tin foil is a bad idea i shall have to get some white paint or something... any ideas on this?
use mylar or flat white paint cfls are the cheepest you can get some at wall-mart k-mart or any hardwear store your right in getting rid of the foil
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Active Member
yeah i know about Mylar i havent got the money to get any just yet so im gona try get hold of some white paint lol...

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
anybody know if it would work or be a good/bad idea to cover up the stem with some soil so that it isnt so tall...

Please help people i dont want to kill my plants when theyre like 5/6days old...

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
put soil up to the lower leaves. don't go any higher then the lowest leaves use twist ties to tie your plant up with. get the light 1-2 inches away from your plants. so they don't should read through the grow faqs. tons of info in there.


Active Member
right problem pretty much solved the plants are now 2.5inches above the soil where as before they were nearly 5inches above the soil i cant put the soil up anymore as it reaches the top of the pots also the plants are about 1.5inches away from the light so everything should now be fine :mrgreen:
when i transplant them to bigger pots i will put the soil up to below the bottom leaves...

ive got a fan blowing on them but the stems dont seem to be bulking up at all... any ideas???

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:

P.S. i have been taking photos of the plants every day or so with my phone so i should be able to show them if i find the link cable to that as well... lol.
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Well-Known Member
Hi Thor110,

I'm in similar situation, first time grow, lighting not the best for first week or so and my seedlings stretched like yours. I re-potted them a couple days ago so the soil is up to just below the round leaves and already they are looking and feeling much stronger. Also new roots will grow from the parts of the stems you have just buried which will help stability and increase the size of the root ball generally. And keep that fan going so you can see the seedlings gently jiggle around when the breeze hits them, it really will help to make sure any new growth is strong and sturdy.

Grow well,


New Member
saying get a 400w HPS is all very well, but we know nothing of his situation - does it need to be stealth? is ventilation going to be difficult, budget, how many plants does he want to grow etc?

before anyone can recommend anything we need to know:

1. How much are you willing to spend on the entire grow?
2. What do you plan on growing in and how big is it? i.e a grow tent, closet, cupboard etc.
3. Is stealth required - i.e. does the whole thing need to be hidden and virtually silent?
4. Can you easily ventilate the room with fresh air and exhaust hot air?

Oh and if you live with your parents DON'T GROW.
yeah parents equal PAIN IN ASS! but im a sneaky mutha fuck and im doing it anyway .. so hopefully i can do this.. 5-10 plant goal .. here i go


Active Member
when is it worth putting the plants into bigger pots? anyone know what sort of stage i should do this at...

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't re-pot until the exiting pots become root-bound - you should see the roots start to poke through the holes in the bottom of your pots. If they don't have holes in the bottom then make sure your next pots do as they are important for drainage to make sure your roots don't become water-logged.

Personally I would move up to larger pots gradually as opposed to going for your final pot size straight away as it is easier on the root system, ie the roots can fill out a "slightly" larger pot more easily and more quickly so maintaining the strength and stability of you plants. However, the more times you re-pot the greater your chances are of causing shock to your plants. If done properly though, this shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure to give the soil a good soaking a couple of hours before hand, let it drain well and then the entire root ball with soil should drop out easily. I also carefully go around the inside of the pot with a knife which allows the soil to come away easily when you turn it upside down.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
well all seems to be going well although im not sure if this is a problem but the stems are a bit purple ive heard that it can be nitrogen deficiency but there are also types of marijuana plants that just happen to have purple stems... any ideas people lol
Still cant get any pics up yet =/



Well-Known Member
Can't really help on that one. Some stems are purple, some are green. Some are ribbed, others are smooth, some thick, some thin etc. Some pics would definitely be useful. Your plants are very young to be suffering from lack of food. What type of soil are you using? Are your leaves nice and green and healthy looking?


Active Member
yeah the leaves are healthy and green so as far as i can tell all is good i wish i could get some pics up but atm i cant find the link cable to my camera and i cant find the link cable to my phone which ive been taking pictures of every day or 2 on but when i do find it or when i go buy a new one ill get the pictures on here ASAP...



Active Member
right when do people think i should start feeding my plants nutes? i got some nutes that are 15-5-30 just some generic plant food that we had in the shed lol i havent used it yet if its rubbish but when should i start feeding them nutes and how much...

Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hi Thor110,

First of all, you haven't told me what type of soil you are using. Some soils claim to be able to feed plants for several weeks, others for several months. So it's crucial that you don't feed your plants too soon. By the way, your plants will not be shy in telling you when they are in need of food.

Secondly, the nutes you found in the shed are not correct for the veg stage. The ratio is Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (N-P-K). Cannabis plants thrive on higher levels of N and P in the veg stage, and higher levels of P and K in the flowering stage, so as you can see the ratio of your nutes would not be good for vegging. You need to go for nutes with at least the same amount of N, eg 20-20-20.

Finally I really do recommend that you start reading the FAQ and Guides on this and other websites before you go any further.

Grow well,
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