newb need a product opinion


Active Member
hey so I figured this would be a good place to ask for a opinion

so I invented this pouch years ago, and years have gone by but
now I'm trying to make it a business, but I'm not sure if people would get it

and considering I get all sorts of advice from here, I though I could ask for comments

Stoney Koala

someone tell me what you think


Well-Known Member
lol thats actually purdy cool, im terrible for misplacing lighters that why i buy em buy the 10 pack, nothing worse then being ready to toke up but no damn lighter. Reall neat invention ya got there. If something like that were availible hell yea I'd buy it (depending on price ofcourse lol). Just 1 question, those bands holding the pouch, are they adjustable or elastic to fit different size bongs -------------------------------------------------------420:blsmoke:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
hope you patented the idea cuz business people like me might beat you too it (-= lol seriously did you get the patent


Active Member
yeah i seriously got a patent

and the cost is 8.99 on the website

link here Stoney Koala

but considering you guys replied so quick and with such enthusiasm

I just made this page for you

New Page 1

tell me if there is a problem with the link

thanks, again!


Well-Known Member
yeah i seriously got a patent

and the cost is 8.99 on the website

link here Stoney Koala

but considering you guys replied so quick and with such enthusiasm

I just made this page for you

New Page 1

tell me if there is a problem with the link

thanks, again!
nice bro. it wouldnt work for me and my friends because i am the lighter assassin. i make em dissapear right out from under your nose. by the end of the night i end up with 5 or 6. seriously though cool idea. hope you get rich.:peace:


Active Member
I think you have a cool little gadget that most buyers would buy on impulse shopping at a small counter display.. price is okay..

My only turnoff was the "dirty paraphernalia" modeling your pouch in the pics. I definately didnt think it helped showcase your product. And, depending on where you live may be illegal to posess "dirty paraphernalia" - like the Pacific Northwestern state I am in.

Honestly i dont think it will give u any problems but ya just never know who is reading your site or out to bring you down so its an unnecessary risk I wouldnt take.

Also, I just think for the asthethics of appeal to your product you should have them modeling on clean glass... i mean what if victorias secret sent Aunt Jemima with black eyes and bruises on her knees down the catwalk, modeling the "Very Sexy" collection?

Props to your product and your endeavors and wish you the best in luck getting it out there!


Well-Known Member
Cool product, but if you have the cash flow to get new water pipes or some head shop owner will let you... retake the pictures with new water pipes. Maybe someone can even photoshop them on for you also. Just represents the product look better IMO. For instance if I sold mops and wasn't doing a demonstration, I wouldn't take pictures of my mops on dirty floors.


Active Member
... i mean what if victorias secret sent Aunt Jemima with black eyes and bruises on her knees down the catwalk, modeling the "Very Sexy" collection?
Ugh! I just got a visual of that in my mind! :spew:Hope it does'nt come back when I swipe my wife's next VS catalog :( !...I'm sorry, no offense, but I think it's kinda hokey, but I wish you the best of luck with it! The first thing I noticed too was the dirty paraphernalia and I agree with the previous posts suggesting you replace it.


Active Member
thanks for all your replies

I agree that impulse at a head shop will probably be the best

but what do you think a good price would be?

5 bucks?
4 bucks?
sold with lighter or without?

I'm new to the land of business, marketing, etc
and everything you guys have said so far has been invaluable

i appreciate it!


Active Member
I would say its about 4 bucks, have you developed a marketing plan? You need to come to a conclusion about where you want the product to be sold, what it will include and I have to agree that the online business (ebus.) is the best idea which you have already set up. Now its all about marketing your product and again, I agree the headshop idea is going to be crucial. Sell them without the lighter, people can get their own and keep the personalization aspect of the product, it makes it unique and offers the customer another option.


Well-Known Member
thats shit why dya need a pouch for surely the elastic bands you have around it will do exactly the same maybe i should patent elastic bands has that been done ?