Newb Looking for Help


Active Member
Hey guys, just a first time grower looking for help. Anyway, I plan on growing white widow. My seeds will be here very shortly in a pack of 10. My question is assuming half are female, so about 5 plants, how many mH and HPS lights should i get? I understand they're different just wondering how much of them i'd need thank you.

One more quick question, for water I recieve hight quality spring fed water in giant jugs, so i assume they have very little nasties in them; would that be sufficient or should i buy distilled water? Also should i use different lights for just sprouted platns?

I really appreciate any help my friends, happy growing!


Well-Known Member
check the PH of your water before use with a simple ph pen or any other PH tester. the Ph of ur water shoul b around 6.3-7.0 for healthy strong plants! :) happy growing mate!


Well-Known Member
Assuming u get 4-6 females 1 400w would work fine. (depending on size of the room) as for the MH. a 250w should be enough... or u can go and get one of those mh conversion bulbs for the hps. That water in fine, I use tap water and let it sit for a few days... You can use the mh for sprouted plants just have it around 1.5ft-2ft. lowering it gradually to introduce more heat and light to the seedlings.

420 Growper

Well-Known Member
MH is usually used for veg and HPS is usually used for flowering, ppl use both or one or another they both will grow a plant to the full term --as far as how much light you need we need to know how big your grow area is than you can calculate fan power and how many lights you will need.
If you can afford to give em bottled water go for it just make sure the PH is good. Your spring water is probably the best for em just PH it !!!