New York State


Well-Known Member
Ive looked all over the web and I seen nothing for NY state which says the state has ANY medical marijuana laws enacted. So if someone is suffering from something there is no way to see a doctor about it? if you found your whole life marijuana was the only thing that truely treated it?

if anyone has any info about new york it would be great.


Well-Known Member
Actually the house in NY State passed a MMJ bill. The conservatives in the senate, after being harranged by supporters said the would support the right bill and came up with one that is not acceptible. VV


Well-Known Member
You need to do some research. They haven't passed one through both houses yet. It is being worked on and they need all the support they can get. Please check in to it. VV


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to find out to...i read somthing that made it sound like you could grow 12 plants with a doctors note... than I read lots of other stuff that said you couldnt... I dont know... sombody send us some links... what can we do to help?


Well-Known Member
I'm not a computer guy. See if you can get MidGrade In The South or maybe Wavels or fdd or sketch3 or filthy fletch etc. The way you help is to call the conservatives , be polite and tell them what assholes they are for not getting something done to help patients that are in pain get the medicine they need. VV


Well-Known Member
thanks:)... I know nothing about florida... exept they made botcamps illegal... I never liked boot camp...


Well-Known Member
positive... i stopped throwing chairs at my teach and started doing drugs
fair trade i guess no ones getting hurt now


Well-Known Member
I stoped throwing chairs by taking pills :)
I would die if I had to go to one of those boot camps... they look like jail...