New Wisconsin voter ID Law


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know. You think voter ID laws don't exist unless they are a strict photo ID policy because you are a fucking idiot.

Colorado and Alaska both have voter ID laws. Deal with it.

Sadly, it's clear that you won't.
every state has laws about what a voter must do to identify himself or herself, you fucking genius.

semantic assrape and retarded tautology is about at your level though.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
which 18 states have no laws about how voters must identify themselves?
If you mean which 18 States have no laws requiring any documentation to vote, it's probably the ones that aren't listed as having voter ID laws in effect. Let me guess, you were going to try and confuse voter ID laws with voter registration, right?

Weasel 'semantics assrape' fail. Reality hasn't changed and voter ID laws actually exist in places like Alaska and Colorado. Deal with it, cowardly troll. It's true! No amount of weasel dance will change it.

There is no real way to end this with you, is there? I mean, you'll just continue to troll your repeated lies and weasel dances forever, despite having a sure bet to run me off this site twice. Being stupid is your superpower, isn't it?

I still think the absolute best was you denying the existence of Alaskan voter ID laws by posting a link to Alaskan voter ID laws. :lol: Fuckin' bravo!

Anyways, Weasel on little coward. Weasel on.

Here's a fun sketch that has no good way to end, sort of like this conversation.


Well-Known Member
If you truely think voter fraud doesnt happen youre a moron. Cases of it have been caught dickface
So we should throw away potentially millions of people's votes, so that a VERY few limited cases of fraud are prevented. Perfect.

Two steps forward eighteen back.

Run for office, I want to make you head bean counter.


Well-Known Member
Yep. I still havent been convinced that any legal person who wants to vote cannot take the steps to get the proper ID.
It is no more complicated than voting.


Well-Known Member
Whos throwing away votes? Those people obviously dont care much because its not rocket science
Throwing away votes is what happens when you disallow people from exercising their right to vote and using a few tainted ballots to push harsher voter ID laws. Adding hoops makes things more difficult for people to vote, voting should be so easy nobody has an excuse that they didn't. I would like voting to be as easy as breathing someday.

Why do some think that because their situation financially, physically, and transportation-wise is okay others are also? These harsher laws disenfranchise an entire group of persons because the political parties BOTH try to suppress the vote. It doesn't matter if you think people are 'lazy' what matters is that an entire group of people are getting their rights only after going through an obstacle course of breaucracy.

'Want to vote citizen? Run this course quickly and if you don't get hit with the paintballs at the end you get to wait in line for an hour and then check a box for an asshole.'

So do the American thing and realize that millions of votes being thrown away because of an EXTREMELY tiny amount of tainted ballots exist, not only is counterproductive to our nation but does far more damage since less people are able to enact their will through voting.

Harsh voter ID laws are unamerican and contrary to the American spirit.
Is it really that hard to bring a photo id to the polls so you can prove who you are and get checked off a list saying you voted? This country was founded on hard work and patriotism. Not lazy fucks who cant perform a simple task to help insure an election isnt swayed. How the fuck can you ever expect these democrats to get a job if they cant even perform a simple task that is less than applying for a job? Were fucked, you people call measures to protect votes racism, and try to tell us making hundreds of thousands of poor, uneducated 3rd word citizens us citizens will boost our economy haha liberal logic. Im sure you think obama care is great too dont you?


Well-Known Member
Is it really that hard to bring a photo id to the polls so you can prove who you are and get checked off a list saying you voted? This country was founded on hard work and patriotism. Not lazy fucks who cant perform a simple task to help insure an election isnt swayed. How the fuck can you ever expect these democrats to get a job if they cant even perform a simple task that is less than applying for a job? Were fucked, you people call measures to protect votes racism, and try to tell us making hundreds of thousands of poor, uneducated 3rd word citizens us citizens will boost our economy haha liberal logic. Im sure you think obama care is great too dont you?
My reply to your post was above it, if you were addressing me.
Throwing away votes is what happens when you disallow people from exercising their right to vote and using a few tainted ballots to push harsher voter ID laws. Adding hoops makes things more difficult for people to vote, voting should be so easy nobody has an excuse that they didn't. I would like voting to be as easy as breathing someday.

Why do some think that because their situation financially, physically, and transportation-wise is okay others are also? These harsher laws disenfranchise an entire group of persons because the political parties BOTH try to suppress the vote. It doesn't matter if you think people are 'lazy' what matters is that an entire group of people are getting their rights only after going through an obstacle course of breaucracy.

'Want to vote citizen? Run this course quickly and if you don't get hit with the paintballs at the end you get to wait in line for an hour and then check a box for an asshole.'

So do the American thing and realize that millions of votes being thrown away because of an EXTREMELY tiny amount of tainted ballots exist, not only is counterproductive to our nation but does far more damage since less people are able to enact their will through voting.

Harsh voter ID laws are unamerican and contrary to the American spirit.
I said:
It doesn't matter if you think people are 'lazy' what matters is that an entire group of people are getting their rights only after going through an obstacle course of breaucracy.
God forbid you need to get an id and/or bring a piece of mail. This lazy attitude is why welfare is so fucking high. Get off your ass and use your head! Nobody would be losing a right, i repeat, NOBODY WOULD BE LOSING A RIGHT.

I wont take the voting mandatory thing very serious because as much of a marxist as obama is, it wont fly


Well-Known Member
My reply to your post was above it, if you were addressing me.

I said:
It doesn't matter if you think people are 'lazy' what matters is that an entire group of people are getting their rights only after going through an obstacle course of breaucracy.
In the last election 7 votes were fraudulent. Of those 7 votes
5 were cast by felons who didn't know they couldn't vote
The other 2 would not have been stopped by voter id either
In some states felons can vote if not on parole or probation. 7 votes? Youre kidding i hope because im sure thats just out of your group of friends. To be honest with you, i think people voting more than once or using dead relatives needs to be addressed the most


Well-Known Member
God forbid you need to get an id and/or bring a piece of mail. This lazy attitude is why welfare is so fucking high. Get off your ass and use your head! Nobody would be losing a right, i repeat, NOBODY WOULD BE LOSING A RIGHT.
I like the use of mail as a voter ID, I find that to be a reasonable bar to meet. What about transients though. Voting should be as easy as breathing.

Requiring state issued photo ID, that takes weeks to arrive at an ADDRESS, is adding hoops. Not everyone has an address but they have a right to vote, people should understand that making voting harder is against the American Spirit. Voting is the primary catalyst for our experimental government, stop trying to bogart the catalyst.

It doesn't matter if you think someone is lazy, making more hoops and forcing people to deal with unnecessary rules is an attempt to deny people their rights. This in inherently unamerican.

Edited for spelling.
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Sending in an absentee ballot isnt a bad idea but it has to be a solid system good enough where its detected if a vote is also cast in person...

A few weeks for an id? There is sufficient time no excuses


Well-Known Member
That black woman was all over tv saying how she voted in person and absentee plus used her 2 relatives. Openly admitting it mind you
Scenario: pretend that the voter fraud situation is out of control, RAMPANT. Let's say that 100,000 votes are fraudulent across the US.

A total of 129,446,839 votes were counted according to,_2008

129,446,839 vs 100,000
0.00077252% was fraudulent in this scenario.

How can you justify making people jump through hoops to prevent fraud that doesn't do anything, it just gets swallowed.