New vegg chamber


Well-Known Member
here is some more pic's of my night stand that i stared at for 20 minutes and decided it would make a better chamber than a night stand. i think im going fucking nuts, every enclosure i see, i i could grow some shit in there! but i guess it runs in the family. peace-northernlighter oh yea ...almost forgot, got an ounce for 90 bucks today, thought id throw in a couple of pics of those buds as well...later



Well-Known Member
You should really get rid of that tin does no good at all...paint the walls white or buy some mylar. The foil is just going to reflect heat spots back at your plants and burn them.


Well-Known Member
No problem. Especially since your already in a small space it's going to be even worse...don't want to see your hard efforts and time go to waste by your babies burning up.

Awsome. Just line the whole inside with that and you'll notice a HUGE difference in light as well.


Well-Known Member
Also too...try to have the mylar as flat and strerched as possible...almost so it looks like a mirror...that's the best way to do it. If you have someone around...girlfriend maybe, get them to always goes easier with help.