New toy I made


Well-Known Member
i want to leave it on vege fert for another week or so since they have been in it a few days , and start transtioning from vege to floral fert in about aweek or so , does it sound pretty good or should I wait a little longer?


Well-Known Member
good question - i usually give veg ferts for a couple of weeks after switching to 12/12 then slowly introduce the flowering nutes at a greatly reduced PPM.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks thats also how i will do it, cuz i don't want to shock them either, i guess i,ll start about 80/20 ratio in 2 weeks.

thanks email468, its not the first time your advice helps me out , glad to have you around.



Well-Known Member
ok thanks thats also how i will do it, cuz i don't want to shock them either, i guess i,ll start about 80/20 ratio in 2 weeks.

thanks email468, its not the first time your advice helps me out , glad to have you around.

so glad i'm helpful - i do try. the reason i do it the way i do is not so much to avoid shocking them but to go with the natural rhythm of the plant. After switching to 12/12 the plant continues to veg for two weeks - instead of fighting i just go with it.

I should clarify that i do switch to flower nutes (reduced load) wholesale - i don't gradually add them. But i use GH and your nutes may have different feeding recommendations.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody just thought i,d put some pics of the family so you could see the progress, i put some of the babes growing hair (preflowering) and of the two biggies that are also at the same stage of flowering, they are 1 week and a day into the process and they are lookin good,

the batch of clones that i bought are ten times weaker than mine, i lost about 10 so far in the process so needless to say its the last fucken time i go that route, my babies are strong and out of the 35 babies i made i lost only 1 in the box, so i think i,m better at it than the dick who sold them to they weren't cheap and looking at their resistance they should of been.

and thats besides the fact that mine is a 20% thc plant and his is N39 shit wich is technical for bagseed weed as far as i'm concern, but hey i needed to get somethin goin cuz i need to sell this shit for return and mine are 10 to 15 days longer flowering time.

anyway now that i,ve complaine my share I will let you take a look at my little ones, oh and by the way my mommy gave me another 15 freakin cuttings in one shot, I,m proud of her she is so freakin gorgeous too , a fine specimen she is!!!!!!

peace peeps and as i always say.........if you can,t smoke it don,t grow



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Looks like you might need more light or closer light as they are stretching quite a bit already and when they go 12/12 they will stretch twice as much in the first 2 weeks. Im not sure with your nutes I use fox farm and start my clones with roots at 850 ppm for 5 days then up it to around a 1000 ppm but I only veg 10-12 days in my aero as they clones usually are about 14 inches big and have 12 or so nodes at that time then I go 12/12 and finsih at around 3 1/2 feet at 5-6 weeks flower..On this unit how does it water?? does it have drip lines in each net or does it just runn down from the top inside then recycle?


Well-Known Member
stretch? the babies you on the box are frshly potted clones they havn't even seen the inside of the box yet, that pic is 30 seconds before they went in, my nutes are lower than that but i wanted to take it slow, it is my first time the rack you see on the pic with the jungle is really awesome with its nodes tite together and preflowers looking really nice, 2000watts 24" away is insufficient? aint got no more room for lights in there, shit i,ll need a nuclear suit to work in that box otherwise, shit!!! late for the bus,,,talk tonite peeps

oh, and nice to talk to you two again, have a good one.


Active Member
I'm still going strong, no fatalities yet. I'm taking it slow though with T5 fluorescents. Just switched to full strength veg nutes today, so we'll see how that goes. Setup is lookin good man! Keep me posted on those Millennium clones. Ciao.


Well-Known Member
noproblem my friend i,m glad things are goin good with your set up and shit my millenium is goin crazy dude came home tonite and i have another 11 babies ready to box....ask me if i,m a happy freakin


Well-Known Member
Dude this looks awesome I am definetly watchin, good luck to you also. I am just beginning my first journal as well. Mine is quite a bit smaller though - state laws etc so gotta maximize my yield per plant ratio ya know but yea man kudos on this shit keep it goin man!


Well-Known Member
shit man I,m getting a lot of what seems to be burns on the bottom leaves of my babies, the fan leaves die but the plants themselves are thriving, I fucked myself over a bit with my progressive entering of new plants
cuz it demands that i use two different reservoirs, 1 for flowering nutes and one for veg nutes, but then i have the new babies who can't take shit in the beginning, for a stoner like me thats a hell of a lot of hope i don't fuck everything up
i,ll put pics up tonite and you can all pitch in with some advice if you all would be so kind. can't go in there right now its dark time


Well-Known Member
I would like to apologize, my babies are doing good, the fan leaves had some problem but the new growth is gorgeous, the flowering is 14 days in and I am happy as fuck with what i'm seeing!! here are some pics of the flowering girls



Well-Known Member
thanks man,

yeah I'M happy with whats happening, its a lot of work but shit the progress is really cool


Well-Known Member
Damn 114... I would be shitting my Good stuff though man I am sure ur gonna yield huge!


Well-Known Member
well all I gotta do is be vigilent and check my shit out man, but yeah I'M shit nervous everyday that some fuck up my kill them off but that fear keeps me

had a week end of record snowfall and had a power outage that made me have a fucken heart attack, but we pulled through and i stayed up all nite and watered by hand and had candles and shit up man it was freaky never got a minutes sleep but well worth it , they didn't even flinch. its all about loving them and keeping them first in sounds like a fucken

thanks for stoppin by happy , keepin an eye on your cool operation too man props you're a very organized fella...