New to it all HELPPP


Hey guys, so I'm new to the whole growing scene and I'm looking to getting into it as I'm finally getting my own place soon. I'm only going to be living here for about 4 months MAYBE 5 so it could possbily be a one time grow box or w/e I'm going to use. So my question(s) first of all, I don't know what I should do for a container to grow in. I'll have closets and what not but don't think I can dedicate a whole room to growing. I was thinking a stealth cabinet build because it seems like the perfect amount of space. I was considering a pc build but I don't think the yield I want would be high enough. So what does anyone think, for living in a place for only 4 months or so stealth cabinet build would probably be the best way to go right? Also if anyone has any really good guides please link them. A lot of them that I see seem really complicated, I was looking for a little bit of an easier assembly. And another quick question, how do you determine lighting? And my last question, do you think growing in a 4 month time period is going to be worth it, yield wise.


Active Member
I agree. I don't think it is worth the effort. The only way that it would be possible, is for you to get a hook up on some clones. That way all the work is half done in regards to the growing time. Then you would need a space or a cabinet of any shape or size. You could just flower them in a short period of time. The only thing is, your pressed for time and you'll need to be well prepared. Depends how crazy with it you want to be. Don't bite off more than you can chew bro. Best Wishes


Well-Known Member
one thing.......why not bring the growbox/cabinet with you when you move and reassemble it there and keep growing?you'll know what your doing alot better.(no offense of course)and it will improve your yield and how well the grows go. if you do that its worth building for sure.....


one thing.......why not bring the growbox/cabinet with you when you move and reassemble it there and keep growing?you'll know what your doing alot better.(no offense of course)and it will improve your yield and how well the grows go. if you do that its worth building for sure.....
Ok yea see this is exactly what I was thinking. I'm new to this whole thing and I have about a month or so before I move in. So essentially I could build the stealth cab and get all the supplies ready at my brothers place and then move it in as soon as I get my place. I was only thinking of something about 2 feet in depth, maybe 3 or 4 feet tall, and the width isnt that big of a deal. I wanted to do about 4 plants, but if that size wont work for four I can just do less. I'm still learning and reading forums from every site I can.

Any good stealth cabs that are not too complicated for a noob that you know of. Everything on teh DIY site seems pretty, caaaraazzzyyy.
Thanks guys


Active Member
Any good stealth cabs that are not too complicated for a noob that you know of. Everything on teh DIY site seems pretty, caaaraazzzyyy.
Thanks guys
Phaha, on a DIY website i saw a guy who tried to make an A/C for his grow room but ended up with a fan with running water inside :O

With my little grow area, i got an old set of draws, cut the draws leaving just the frount so it looks normal then im going to grow in there under a 400w HPS, but whatever you do man i suggest you take it with you when you move...

i dont think you shouldn't bother growing though... i mean its worth it just for the thrill :bigjoint:


Phaha, on a DIY website i saw a guy who tried to make an A/C for his grow room but ended up with a fan with running water inside :O

With my little grow area, i got an old set of draws, cut the draws leaving just the frount so it looks normal then im going to grow in there under a 400w HPS, but whatever you do man i suggest you take it with you when you move...

i dont think you shouldn't bother growing though... i mean its worth it just for the thrill :bigjoint:
I totally agree with you. I just cannot find a good guide yet that seems easy enough. I'm not the very handyman type. I figure I'm going to find a cabinet at a thrift store sometime this week and then I'll post it up for ideas.


Active Member
I totally agree with you. I just cannot find a good guide yet that seems easy enough. I'm not the very handyman type. I figure I'm going to find a cabinet at a thrift store sometime this week and then I'll post it up for ideas.
lol! man my handy work is getting 3 screws into a piece of wood with an axe :wall:

My mate, being a builder, found a set of kitchen draws and modified it into the ultimate grow box... the lot cost him £200 in total for everything since he got alot of materials from his work :D


So what about something like this.

Just curious how many plants could I get with that or how much yield could I get? That's including if I had the flowering and veg spots in there.

I was thinking cutting spots for two computer fans or is that too little for this size cabinet?

Edit* Dimensions of the cabinet - 49'' Tall, 31'' Wide, 15'' Thick