New to Growing


Active Member
Hi, Im kind of new to growing but want to do my best on this first grow. First off I have a flurocesent grow light. Its off about 20 thousand lumens. Ive already started two plants and they are looking very healthy. I just got another flourescent light that puts off around 20 thousand lumens as well. this will be my curtain for the sides of the plants. Ive also started germinating 6 skunk plants that i hope grow just as healthy. Im using good soil is there anything i should know to maybe ensure a great start?


Active Member
well im using bag seeds I got from a pretty known site. But your right Im praying for females. Id just throw the males out if I discover any later on.


Well-Known Member
Fluorescent lights are the cheapest light to use. Because fluorescents disperse light over a large area, they need to be kept within three inches of the tops for the plants to receive enough light. This means you will have to mount the lights in a way that the can be raised everyday.

Metal halide lamps put out the most light. They also produce alot of heat. A strong fan is needed to keep room temperatures down. A separate ballast is required for these lights to work. They come in sizes from 40 to 1000W. One 1000W lamp will provide enough light in a closet to grow four plants.

Cannabis will grow best with a temperature of 70 to 75 degrees F day and night. Higher than 90 degrees F the enzymes within the plant begin to breakdown and photosynthesis is affected. The same is true for low temperatures.


Well-Known Member
well it sounds like your ok on the lumens part of the deal. but whats ur soil like? and do u have good ventalation? how big are they? and what do u have them planted in right now?


Active Member
Im using fox farm soils and im keeping mylights as close as possible. I just got that second light yesterday and the plants were growing fine without it. But with more light comes more growth. Plus with this new light I switched out two of the four bulbs to get some red in my spectrum.I havent really decided on what nutes to use but I have some nitrozyme right now, I was told its good to stimulate the roots into faster growth.