New to growing


Active Member
Ok so I'm brand new to growing and I need to know a few things before I get started
I already have the seeds from prevously smoked weed and I want to know exactly what I have to do to get the seeds started like putting them in a towel or something?
I need to know the next few steps as well like do I put the seeds in water or soil how much light to give and what kind of light and should I have a mini fan running and if so how long do I let it run....stuff like that

By the way I don't really have a "grow room" I'm either growing them behind my dresser or in my closet
thanks in advance



Active Member
well for germination all i do is stick my seeds in a cup with some water and put it on a window ledge. i n about two-four days the embryotic root will emerge. then with very clean hand i take the seed(i like to plant them as soon as i see the first part of the root) and place it pointy top of the seed down about 3/4 of an inch in the ground.cover with soil water a little bit with somethin that has a very gentle flow of water. put it under light and it should come out of the ground within the next day or two. then just make sure u dont over water it in its early stage of life. it can easily get root rot in the seedling stage.

cannabis kid

New Member
water it like 1 time every 4 to 5 days make sure ALL of the soil is dryed up before you water it.... if only the top of the soil is dry and the water is all at the bottom you would drown it if you watered it again so wait liek 5 days between each watering


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude
Um..... Well how to I make sure that I don't over water?

or you can do what i did and that is......

lay some paper towels inside a plastic container.....moist the paper towels but not drenched just enough to keep moist,put seeds in the middle and lay some more moist paper towels(about a sheet or two) and put in a warm dark spot and within 2-3 days you got cracked open seeds ........:joint:


Active Member
Also I was thinkin bout makin a little box type thing with hinges for easy acess
I was going to make it quite small since I WAnna keep it hidden from my parents and friends haha
I was just gonna make the box out of plywood or something and make two holes comming out of the back so I can have cords for the lights and the fan able to be plugged into the nearest wall
Then I would have some kind of bar In the top so I could suspend the lights
After all that i'll paint it white for reflection purposes

Does this sound like a good setup?
