New to DWC help?


Active Member
well ok so i get the jist of what i need to make one, but can any one tell me if there is a pump involved im only looking to grow for personal use, so like startin out only one maybe two plants. so for personal use whats a good light to use (again not bein fancy and expensive) just a good light for 2 plants and nutrients for a DWC? and if there is a pump, what can i get from like petco pretty cheap and be satisfied?

Any and all help GREATLY appreciated


Well-Known Member
Everything you need to build your DWC can be found at Wal-Mart... the growers store. Simple, easy and cheap. Spend your money on a good HPS light for blooming... and good nutes. Walmart has a dual outlet pump for $10.00. Thats all you need to get one tote growing... well the pump, hose (2.00), and 2 airstones (3.00). Lights... CFL's for Vegging... I used cheap domes with (2) 6500K bulbs (Walmark or Lowes) in eacah dome and a 400W HPS for blooming. I have a Lumatek Ballast. It rocks.
Im a First time grower... and I have 2 huge plants on day 30 of blooming, one that just went into the bloom room... and 6 clones that are growing like mad. If all goes well... i should have enough yield for myself... and my friends for the next year or so. Check out my grow below.


Active Member
Ill second the suggestion for a 400w for blooming. has em for around $120

nutes? General Hydroponics Micro, and General Hydroponics Bloom at a 1 to 2 ratio works for me.
The petco pumps work well, I picked one of the bug purple ones up, youll know it when you see it.

Make sure to keep the light out of the tub, and keep the water temps close to 70.
Good luck


Active Member
Ill second the suggestion for a 400w for blooming. has em for around $120

nutes? General Hydroponics Micro, and General Hydroponics Bloom at a 1 to 2 ratio works for me.
The petco pumps work well, I picked one of the bug purple ones up, youll know it when you see it.

Make sure to keep the light out of the tub, and keep the water temps close to 70.
Good luck