New to Aerogarden, quick transplating question!!


Well-Known Member
I just went and picked up the Aerogarden 6 for pretty cheap and I want to convert my 1 week old soil babies to this new system.

I started to think about how I am going to do it and have stumped myself.

I am looking forward to starting a real nice detailed journal :)

Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
The Aerogarden comes with a mini herb kit... Basil, Thyme, Dill, etc, etc.

What I did was take out the sponge it came with and inserted the plants right in with it. I left the top label on so the plant would not fall through. I was also able to hold it in place by sliding it inside the insert a little bit.

So far so good.. I just hope I didn't piss the roots off when removing it from the soil.

I will be creating a journal within the next half hour. Stay tuned for pictures. :)
