New technique, Dog Cropped


Active Member
So my dog managed to open the garage door again and get into my grow tent and eat my clones. I thought they were completely dead. I had nothing to loose while I wait for my new seeds so i left them in the turbo tank. Anyway they are starting to grow shoots back and if they survive they will be some crazy looking plants. Probably be good for nothing just thought it be fun to see how they turn out. Going out now but I will post pics in a few hours.


Active Member
:-( not funny I'd be sharing a recipe for dog bbq ribs if mine did that!

oh, and sprinkle that shit on its' food when they're done since he want it so bad :weed: & see how he likes that! :twisted:


Well-Known Member
So my dog managed to open the garage door again and get into my grow tent and eat my clones. I thought they were completely dead. I had nothing to loose while I wait for my new seeds so i left them in the turbo tank. Anyway they are starting to grow shoots back and if they survive they will be some crazy looking plants. Probably be good for nothing just thought it be fun to see how they turn out. Going out now but I will post pics in a few hours.
Dude, I had my male Bloodhound do the same thing to mine a couple months back. Didn't kill it but he took 2/3 of the top off. Funny thing is, I'm flowering it right now and its turning out pretty good for what happened.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't be surprised in the least if you start letting the dog in every season to crop the
They already been through hell, and they still want to live?
let em grow.They deserve it.
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I was probably extra mad because this was my first time Cloning and they were looking nice and I have no mother plant. I got so pissed I let my husky loose because I was gonna kill him. 30 mins later I went for a drive and found him, opened the door and he jumped straight in (usualy when he gets out I have to chase on foot for like an hour). Anyways here is the pics from the day before the attack and the day after.


I think the two with leaves might make it but we will see how the others go.
I will either continue to update progess here or in My journal HERE


Active Member
Ya lol, If i ever get the chance to smoke this shit with my friends I'll be liek ull never believe this shit got doggy styled


Active Member
i was gonna say that as well, they r some pretty good lookin clones...
or where at least...
hope they live through that ...


Active Member
I had a cat do that to a seedling (totally chopped it, nothing but a stem) two weeks later it started shooting leaves out of the top and is now one of my best babies. Let em live!


Well-Known Member
I had Rat cropping once. They got the plants right at the base though. Kept losing plants one by one and couldnt figure it out until I lost about 10 out of 30 plants ..... little bastards !


Well-Known Member
So my dog managed to open the garage door again and get into my grow tent and eat my clones. I thought they were completely dead. I had nothing to loose while I wait for my new seeds so i left them in the turbo tank. Anyway they are starting to grow shoots back and if they survive they will be some crazy looking plants. Probably be good for nothing just thought it be fun to see how they turn out. Going out now but I will post pics in a few hours.
All I can think of is that scene in Up in Smoke, where Cheech finds out that they've been smoking dog shit. LOL

around 3:00 in...


Well-Known Member
my black cat likes to nibble on mj leaves, she prefers sativas, when she gets near the pure sativa, she really gets the munchies bad enough that i stop her and need to remove her from the area (understand the attraction, but its a 2 week old plant, only one that came up from 20 seeds and i had to travel 9000 miles to get them lol, no frigginng way miss meow)

she doesnt touch the indicas if she can get to the more sativas.

i usually let her nibble bit, she only eats the tips of some fanleaves (though with the 100% sativa i aint really too sure lol how far she will go,luckily its a tiny almost midget cat)

ive never had a cat eat seedlings though, i always just ask them not to, seen them start to fuck with a few, just say, hey, wait a bit for me, in 2 weeks, you can nibble all you want lol. and thats what they do.


Active Member
wait a minute...

Your dog opened the garage door, unzipped the tent, and ate all your plants??
And then the easter bunny broke in to your fridge and drank all your beers?

I dunno what your smoken man, but it is some gooooood shit!


Active Member
So finaly fixed my computer. Heres pics from today. To be honest I havent really checked on them ore monitored nutrients at all. Now that I know that at least 2 of them will grow strong enough to be mothers I am goin to do a res change, improve the lighting, air flow and clean them up a bit. Very happy as their mothers are flowering extremely well over twice as good as the other pheno. Heres some pics


heres what the mothers look like at end of their end of third week of flowering after vegged 5 weeks from seed.


I continue to veg the dogcropped plants for another 4 weeks and then throw them into flowering. I will continue to update now that my computer is working again.