New Smoker Needs Help Getting HIGH


Active Member
I started smoking weed 2 years ago, after retiring from the U.S. Army with 20 years of dedication to this country.

My question is this. Why can I not get stoned any more?

I smoke about 3 joints and a pipe or 2 a day. I need to get stoned not buzzed. Weed cost to much to smoke like a pothead.

Could the medication I take have something to do with it?

Help Please!


Active Member
Right now I smoke what every I can get my hands on.
I started my first grow about 6 weeks ago. I killed some many little could be get you high buds it's not even funny LOL

I purchased some Ty Tantic and planted some really good seeds from one of my many bags.

The Ty is a dwarf with really strange looking leaves.

The bag o' seeds are also doing very well. Their about 3 ft with the most sexy looking little white hairs ( I think)


Active Member
I take Zoloft everyday for Post Tramatic Stress Disorder and other shit for depression, but I would rather have some BlueBonicCronic to smoke instead. At 160 to 200 a Oz Old sarge will soon go broke.