New smaller growth yellowing mid flowering

Hey guys,

No pictures as of yet but I promise to get them by tomorrow.

Plant is mid flowering and new growth on the small budsites is yellow. Like pale yellow. Trying to figure out what immobile nutrient it is but all my research has me still stumped.

This almost happened overnight. Temps are fine, flushed for caution 5 days ago, soil still a little damp.

Super Lemon Haze, mid flower 600w HPS.



Active Member
you said it, really need pics. Ive had a very similar sounding issue with a supersilver and have helped by bumpin up my "grow"nutes in flower and foliar feeding some high Nitrogen GH stuff.
Ill give that a shot plus a little calmag. I just figure since its on new growth, it must be an immobile nute since threw plant isnt leeching it off older growth (bottom fan leaves are health-y!)


Active Member
not sure without looking but in new areas of your plant you will have a very yellow spot near the center if its growing fast because its using the nutes as fast as it gets it dont add more wait tell it grows out then it should change