New poster/old reader


Hello everyone! I have been growing for almost 20 years now, and an avid reader of Rollitup for the last 2 years. I think is one of the better marijuana forums on the internet. I have found myself coming back to it time and time again. But in all this time I have never made a single post because of my paranoia and laziness. (mostly paranoia) Well today that all changes! So without further adieu.....and a little bit of Tor and Privoxy....I figured it was time to give back a little and introduce my self. I am still too paranoid to post any grow journals yet! So for now I will just keep most of my postings to helping out newbies as best i can. Looking forward to many good ganja talks with you all! Zod


Well-Known Member
hey man, I love picking peoples brains. I have NOT YET made my first big investment in lights or a particular grow system. I just recently bought a 4x8x7 sun hut tent but have waited for lights. what are your thoughts on soil vs aeroponics? ive seen the simple great designs on here from other people but the whole Parts Per Million and PH thing turn me off a little bit. right now the stability and durability of soil is attractive to me. I have had 2 grows. the first was complete shit I grew bagseed in tubs filled with really crappy soil under 2 $12 shop lights from walmart :( (i know) the second was my adventure into hydroponics. I had a rubber maid with 2 footlong air stones in it and the plants where right above it in hydroton rocks. (see avatar picture) but because the plants were right above the water they all developed root rot and died slowly and there was nothing i could do. what do you think about lights? I was planning on getting a 1000watt hps. but I heard that getting 2 600 watt hps would be better? I am also VERY concerned about the power company I feel shaky about doing anything over 1000 watt. lol please help me make the right decision.


Hey pwizzle, thanks for the welcome!

Damnbigbudz - I hear you man! There is a TON of information out there and hundreds of different ways to do it. That being said..I much prefer soil. I have come full circle - started with soil grows - did hydro for years- then came back to soil. I find soil to be much easier, more forgiving of mistakes,and produces better quality smoke. Check out the organics>subcool forum. Specifically subcools post on super soil (its a sticky post). I am not saying follow his recipe exactly. You need to know your strain. but its a good start.

For example: I have a strain that is capable of using HUGE amounts of fertilizer without burn. I start my rooted clones in one gallon pots for 2 weeks with just fox farm Ocean Forest(nothing else added). After 2 weeks or so, I transplant them into 7 gallon containers using my soil with all the nutes mixed in. This is where you need to know your strain! The mix I am using right now would out right KILL some types of weed! So start out with a weak mix and plan on supplementing with a good fertilizer during veg and flowering. If the first batch goes well...add a bit more "stuff" to your soil. After a few grows you should be able to figure out what your plants seem to lack the most during your grows and add it to the soil up front. For instance; if your plant seems to yellow too fast and is low on nitrogen you might add some more blood meal to the mix next time, or low on phosphorus add more bone meal, getting calcium or magnesium deficiency add more dolomite lime.

Other then the occasional Compost/batguano tea my plant have just about all they need from start to finish.I mostly just have to water! how easy is that? Well...maybe not easier...but to me its seems simpler.

Now about the lights...

If you are growing in a tent its more a question of heat then light. Most peeps recommend temps between 78-85(I like 70-75). But if your hitting the 90-100 zone with say one 600watt light, then using a 1000watt or two 600watts is going to do more harm then good.

But if your ventilation lets you keep the temps down then 1000w vs 2 600w should be about the same.

If it was me, i would start with one 600w then add another if temps are ok. Plus your room being more rectangle then square favors two smaller lights instead of one big one.

As for the power company...

Not sure about other places, but in the U.S. it is not a crime to use a lot of power. Power usage alone is not enough for a search warrant. And there are a LOT of legit uses for high power bill; lots of computers, potter kiln, hot tub..ect.

But to play it safe, figure 1000w per bedroom, pay your bill on time, and don't steal power.

If your in a big city all that shit is automated. Unless there is a problem, no "real" person even sees your bill.

hope that helps some.
