New Possible Changes To North Carolina Marijuana Laws


Active Member
This information was retrieved from the Marijuana Policy Project that was last updated on March 18th 2011:

Earlier this month, legislators in North Carolina introduced legislation that would downgrade simple possession of marijuana to an infraction, instead of a misdemeanor. The bill, HB 324, also reduces penalties for possessing up to an ounce of marijuana from either a suspended sentence (for persons with no priors who possess under half an ounce of marijuana) or possible jail time to a civil fine of up to $100. State Reps. Kelly Alexander, Jr. (D – Mecklenburg) and Larry Hall (D – Durham) are the sponsors of HB 324. Please e-mail your representative today and ask him or her to support this sensible and fiscally sound legislation.

In addition to the penalty reduction bill, medical marijuana patients eagerly await the introduction of a medical marijuana bill that would protect them from arrest and prosecution for using a treatment option recommended by their physicians. In August of 2010, the executive committee of the North Carolina Democratic Party voted to pass a resolution supporting the legalization of medical marijuana at its convention. The near unanimous vote gave activists and patients hope that democratic legislators would introduce and push legislation through to allow residents of North Carolina suffering from debilitating conditions to use and possess marijuana if their doctors recommend it.

Please contact your legislators and urge them to support this compassionate legislation.

The North Carolina Cannabis Patients Network, a former MPP grantee, has worked to lobby legislators in the General Assembly, as well as to build support for medical marijuana legislation in the community. They have also been filming testimonials of patients in North Carolina who could benefit from medical marijuana.