New Members First Grow


I'm new to the forum and just received my first plant last night. I've been told this clone is an Original Girl Scout Cookie from Berkeley.

I was planning on starting with two plants in a recirculating DWC using the Lucas Formula under LEDs but since this plant magically landed in my lap I will be doing a single bucket DWC.

I'll be using a Lumigrow 650 for the entire grow. Here are my light settings as of right now and what the light looks like.

First night (no red) about 6 hours under this to finish off current light cycle.

When the lights came back on I put in a tiny bit of red to give a fuller spectrum. I know most people feel the adjustments are a gimmick.

Here are my temps so far.

I look forward to learning a ton during this first grow.

Additional information:
I plan on using LST and Scrog.


Staff member
welcome to riu your plant looks a little sad in that pic but if you just transported it that could be the factor.



Active Member
Welcome to the community broheemith!I'll be seeing ya, but you know that already ;)

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Well-Known Member
It all seems very high tech....

Is it your first grow
your first grow using LED's and gadgets with Liquid Crystal displays...???


So I receive another lady of the OG Kush type that was already in bloom cycle. I split my room with poly and put the GSC under floros. She seemed to really love the softer lighting.
Day 1 was December 15. These are from December 28th.

Hey Newbus, Im in the same boat as you, except a much different grow style. Recently had some Girl Scout Cookies, was fantastic, ill keep up with the grow, looks cool


Thought I'd show some growth progress of my blooming OG Kush. you can see in the pics that the leaves are turning yellow. Is the light too strong?
Jan 02

Jan 08

Jan 11

Jan 20

Some additional info about my grows. I use near 0 PPM RO water. PH is usually 5.8 and PPM is on the mark per the floro grow charts.


I've been toying with the idea of revegging so I can get a second harvest off this monster. Anyone have experience or recommendations?

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