new light - which bulb?


Well-Known Member
I am planning on buying a 1000w hps kit to upgrade from my 400w. I will be using the 1000 for flowering and the 400 for veg as i'd like to start a somewhat perpetual setup.
my question is whether or not a hortilux bulb is going to be worth the extra $50?
I am not really concerned about the extra 5k lumen output but more with the color spectrum. The hortilux bulbs have added blue spectrum which is nice for veging with an hps. but is the extra blue spec going to help in flower? the hortilux also seem to be a little bit lacking in red spectrum. it seems you are trading a bit of red spec for blue.

the other thing to keep in mind is I will have the 400w MH running beside the flower room with just a sheet of poly sperating them, so I can open up the poly when both the rooms are lit, giving the flower room a bit of blue light.

i just really dont want to spend extra money on an enhanced spec bulb if the blue is only helping in veg.

thanks for any info, preferably from someone who has tried standard hps vs enchanced for flowering.:leaf:


Active Member
I would go with the philips CMH (ceramic metal halide) for your 400w veg needs. Operates on magnetic 400w HPS ballast tho. Great bulb, cheap too.

I think the cheapest place to get one right now is ebay, $49 shipped. The same ebay guy also has ballast +socket+ bulb kits for around $120.


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for the reply. I guess my post wasn't very clear. I already have hps and mh bulbs for my 400w. I am looking at bulbs for the 1000w.


Well-Known Member
Hey Eternal how many plants re you growing? Sounds like a juicy setup.
12 plants for this round. theres a link to my journal in my sig. ill be updating it today as the plants have grown alot this week. ive quickly realized the 400w isnt going to be enough to properly flower 12 plants, unless I keep them really small,which is a waste of all those seeds. I figure I should get my money back for the 1000 in yield.

so, has enyone experimented with standard hps vs enhanced hps for flowering?

im starting to lean towards the standard hps as I dont see many people mentioning that they use an enhanced spec bulb. plus I will be using it for flowering only. if i was using it for veg and didnt have the 400mh then i think the horitlux would be worth it.

any thoughts?