New Journal: Bagseed "popcorn" strain from Houston, TX

Ok, so my other seedling just died. I'm collecting a new seed from my personal seedbank, which around here we call "popcorn", which is a varient to your average Mexican dirt weed.. so its a little more high grade than the average bagseed, although it was really, really good bud when I smoked it, the high was pretty much psychedelic, and more of a mix between indica and sativa, although more likely it was more Sativa than anything. So.. here goes. Pictures to soon follow ^^. Ladies and gents, lets do this!


New Member
Ok, so my other seedling just died. I'm collecting a new seed from my personal seedbank, which around here we call "popcorn", which is a varient to your average Mexican dirt weed.. so its a little more high grade than the average bagseed, although it was really, really good bud when I smoked it, the high was pretty much psychedelic, and more of a mix between indica and sativa, although more likely it was more Sativa than anything. So.. here goes. Pictures to soon follow ^^. Ladies and gents, lets do this!
alrightey man! im psyched


Well-Known Member
I always got some good buds from houston when i lived in in im along for this one. I just couldnt stand how they all called every bag of decent bud kush,or popcorn.
None of my seeds have germinated yet, so I'm waiting patiently for that to happen. As for supplies, well I'm almost there :) just need to wait and wait some more for these guys to crack.. and yeah, everyone in Houston calls it either "reggie" or "dro". and it's rare for a strain to have names, unless someone was smart enough to order it online, or make their own strain. <<-- That takes more time, more skill needed. I could breed if I had ever gotten that far. I've always wanted to combine G'daddy purp. with White Widow.. bet that would make some killer bud! Once I order some seeds online, thats when my town will know "true buds". For right now, I really can't wait to set this first grow on fire.

Not saying I live in houston but.. yeah, its kinda where I grew up.
Would be nice to introduce new stuff to people who don't know shit about whether their weed is indica or sativa.
UPDATE : (no pics yet..) I got a seed to germinate finally. After doing some reading, its better to let the baggie open so it gets oxygen to the babies. So I planted it in, though I fell it was slightly too deep. Which my be a problem, although if this one dies, I've got a backup seed like so close to germinating, you can see the radical of the root barely cracking the embryonic shell that the seed consists of! or in simpler terms, the white tail has begun to emerge! Wish me luck on this one, for now its starting in a tiny little pot, just to start things of, then it moves on with my big boy plants (not weed, I don't just grow weed haha). So lets get ready to rumble!!


Well-Known Member
Simply baked your in texas too :P me 2.

Glad we are all compadres here hehe

I never open my bags when i germinate and my seeds do just fine (that way you dont loose moisture).

Anyway hopefully your plant pokes through the dirt in a day or two

Are you growing in a closet or what???
Window sill for now. once I get my lights this weekend or next, I'm starting a whole system in my big ass 9'x9' closet.
Just a thought, will the electric bill go up? will it look suspicious?
Ok so the seed is doing well, and has successfully germinated. It was planted in soil last night at around 20:30ish.. (8:30 PM) so now we wait and soon it shall sprout :)
Finally got some lights, worked out all the safety risks, and fuck.... 200w's are bright.. I walk in there and its like another sun. Luckly I read up that cfls don't give off that much heat. Pictures soon to follow.

6500k is being used for the next 15 days, for its veggie phase. After which, it shall be replaced with 2700k cfls, while the light cycle will go from 18/6 -> 12/12.

