New Indoor Grower


Well-Known Member
First Time Grower looking for all the help i can get.
I'll be putting pics of my plants up as i go along for people to view and help me as i really am a beginner to the Growing aspect of marijuana.
I have a Hydro Grow Tent and a Soil grow Tent, with 3 x 600watt HPS lights and shades.


Well-Known Member
how many plants you got going, what are the strains. what nutrients are you going to use during flowering. im on my first grow as well. i only have four plants. two that are about 5 weeks old and the other two are about 2 weeks old (idk about the other two, ive kinda lost track). there looking good. i hope to see pics soon. good luck on the grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm Growing 16 definates in my soil tent with a few just put in there to keep growing at the moment and i've got 8 plants in my hydro tent,
I've got Big Bang, Power Plant, AMS, Isis, Oasis, The Church and Thai Haze x Skunk, Im just using Bio-Grow Nutrients, The 3 Part Set.
I've some pics in my albums, have to add more tonight. How are your Plants Getting On?
What you got and whats your Set - Up?