New House New Room!


Well I didn't Update much on my first grow But I will be more up to date on this one.

Quick run down of gear.
-1000W Lumateks 240v 2-4 Not sure We will see with heat.
-1 - Nextgen 600
-Air 3 From C.A.P
-Gen 1 E 4 Burners ( PPM3 For Controll )
- Sealed Room
- LG Dehumidifier
- KYC12000 BTU Ac Unit/None If temps are premo
-Cutting Edge Nutrients Full Line + Grex-TRex-Humtea and Surgaree
-8'' Max Fan
-Maxlume 4 Bank t5 for Veg- GE Starcoat Bulbs
-Hortilux Dual Spectrum Bulbs Next to Eiko 1000s
- Roots Organic Soilless Medi then Roil Gold Basment Mix, ( They have formulated the soil for cutting edge nutes)

Thats The list

I am in between 2 Rooms right now So I will update once I decide room, Basement or Bedroom.


Yeah its Alot smaller then the room and only temporary, since construction is underway for the new garden that is 19' long and 6 ft wide, Im not to worried about my activities since Im legal but still i am thinkin about it@!


Well-Known Member
19X6' sounds like a false wall to me... Basements provide a nice cool space where you can generally not care as much about the wellbeing of the surrounding. I would hate to tear down a bedroom grow to find the mold, etc or a completely destroyed BR.