New Guy here. I got a question for you guys.

Hey guys im new to the forum and ive got a question.
ive got anxiety and i love my good friend mary jane :mrgreen:
but every time I smoke I get a ringing in my ear that causes me some uncomfort and eventually it gets to the point where i wanna come down off my high ,and i was wondering what could cause this? that is my only problem :/

Also as a side note i was wondering what is your favorite strain of weed that seems to be relaxing and sootheing? At the moment all i can get my paws on is Afgahn kush which is a great "Stupid" High but not quite what i want.

Thanks alot if im posting wrong let me know i havent been to a forum and posted in quite sometime


Well-Known Member
Try useing a vaporizer, it will give you a much more clear headed and cleaner feeling high. Soont he anxiety will fade. Diesel, love it.
That sounds like a good idea but i have no idea of where to pick one up as i still live with the 'Rents and i dont think they will like a vaporizer showing up at there door :/


Well-Known Member
Head shops have them, but I would go with a simple "Vapor Brothers". They are so cool. It's like a new high. It's clean and feels good.
Thanks alot man ^_^
id still like to know why it happens tho :/ it could be something i can fix and finally enjoy this afghan kush!
tis tasty stuff!
Hits ya pretty hard yet smoothly too.
Agreed but brownies? i cant cook :( id only BURN them XD
I tried smoking a small bowl last night and that was pretty much on the brinks of being stoned.
Not saying i got a problem with that i like getting stoned :D it was just the ringing like i said earlyer than bothers me.
I HAVE found that i can smoke a ton around my friends like lets say 2 joints between 2 of my friends and im fine. Stoned but fine.
but it seems that its eather my anxiety or my homemade pipe :/ cuz we'll start smoking from the pipe cuz god knows at this point you cant roll worth a hoot :P
Soon it will hit me for the second time and my ears will start ringing. it will go away after 15-20 mins maybe?
But this is usually when my friends get ready to take their leave.
so im unsure about this :/


Well-Known Member
Sounds like its a personal problem, by that I mean it's kinda in your head, not for real.
Try staying happy when friends leave and maybe turn on music and drowned out ring. Play video games and things to keep your mind from hearing ring.


New Member
You should have your ears checked out and don't mention weed. Smoking does not CAUSE ringing but does amplify it. Your ears were already ringing softly and the smoking upped the volume.
Sounds like a plan :) ive been meaning to try that but ive been too stuck to the couch to move ;) ill have to take a pic of the nice buds as my last bag was inside a chicks bra and got smushed it stuck together nicely :) plus its a good thought that my green was in a hot chicks bra :0
CrackerJax i have anxiety and that can also cause that i just did some reasurch and it might be my blood pressure rising due to smoke and the anxiety so its a tough one to figure out :/
plus it hasent happened when i continuously smoke its when we stop for an hour or so come down and then get smacked again.


New Member
It's called Tinnitus and can be aggravated by loud noise, smoking, alcohol, too much beef, fatty foods...lots of things.


New Member
CrackerJax i have anxiety and that can also cause that i just did some reasurch and it might be my blood pressure rising due to smoke and the anxiety so its a tough one to figure out :/
plus it hasent happened when i continuously smoke its when we stop for an hour or so come down and then get smacked again.
Yes, stress can aggravate the condition as well. Try making some brownies! :mrgreen:


New Member
hey man i feel for ya.. i have anxiety also.. used to get reall paranoid smokin' n drivin', my anxiety would flare up like a muthafucker.. hated that shit.. but now i am cool as a cuke.. also i take some meds for it too that also helps...


Active Member
Didn't read every post but weed is alcohol soluble so if you don't want to take the time to cook it you could throw it in some booze if your desperate. let it soak for a week or two, you could even dry it out and smoke it later (though it would be a far cry from its original form)
Personally I love weed-ka (about half OZ of stems in a 1.75 of vodka but you can use bud if you really don't wana' smoke it).
Yeah it sucks REAL bad i dont have my meds currently im outta refills T_T thats why im trying to find out if i can get this to stop when smoking so i can use it untill i can pay to go the the doctors. its really a pretty decent method to calm my anxiety when my ears arnt ringing like a mofo. Plus its good fun too :P