new growth thin and twisted and slow to open. 260 watt led.

the formula

Hello, so this is a bag seed from some unknown but good shit. the leaves as you can see are coming in thin twisted and also very slow. my temps are 71-60, humidity 55%, ph 6.2-6-5, open 2.5x2.5 box lined with mylar and 260 watt led with two cfls on side. leaves are also curling up a bit which i thought was from heat stress but my temps never get over 73. the led is 14in away. my soil is 1/3 perlite 2/3 organic store bought stuff. i can never give any nutes cuz the soil never dries out! watered it once in 9 days and its only in a 1.5 gallon pot. any suggestions?


Im under ledz too, and had similar probs till i got another one. i would guess not enough light or improper light spectrum.

the formula

Haha yea I'm stressing a little..I forgot to mention I topped and fim'd 12 days ago all the branches except one so there's like 13 tops rt now plus I just switched it to 12/12 3 days ago. Its a stealth grow only like 9" rt now. I have it in with peppers and tomatoes and lettuce I'm growing indoors over winter. Its directly in middle so its getting good light. My gf won't let me grow in crib but she never checks my garden so I said eff it ol go til I get caught then keep going lol..ok anyway should I move the light up a few inches?? The bottom leaves are even curling up a little. I think they like the light they point rt up at it but maybe too close? I can't really do anything bout the temps


Active Member
I had that problem to until i added a little cal/mag. IDK if thats the issue or if it just fixed itsself, but it worked for me. Not even a full dose, like 1/4 str.

the formula

cal mag sounds like a plan regardless..thanks...sensi bloom a&b has a good amount ofcalcium and mag,that's what I use, but I've needed it before using sensi..funny I have a micro nute and it has mag but just leaves out calcium, how convenient that u need to buy a seperate cal mag product..

the formula

Well bout 99% sure its from being root bound..lifted it out to see how it'd fit in my new snart pot and it was bound up like a hooker in a well go from here..thanks..