New growth coming in lime green

derius johnson

Well-Known Member
New growth coming in lime green almost yellow what's wrong??? Fox farm nutes.. Plants have been in soil for three days now.. Growing very slow... Need advice


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell without pics. Lime green new growth can be a number of things ranging from iron, sulfur, deficiency or pH issues causing lockout issues, or it could be totally healthy and you're just imagining things.

New growth coming in lime green almost yellow what's wrong??? Fox farm nutes.. Plants have been in soil for three days now.. Growing very slow... Need advice
If it's only a little more pale (but still green), I wouldn't worry. That's normal for new growth.
But a picture would help, just in case.

If it's yellow - from the petiole and progressing towards tips, I guess Iron-def or high PH. (Or zinc.. etc, really we're just guessing here without a picture).