New grower

How tall should i allow my plant to get in a 5x5x6.5h tent before istart flower only doin 4 plants want max yeild possible for a new Greenthumb


Well-Known Member
Most plants stretch up to two times their current height when put into flower, some even as much as three times as much, so that's what you need to take into consideration.

I veg for eight weeks before the plants go into my 4x4x6.5' flowering tents, and still have way enough height.


Well-Known Member
what strain...any idea? Some stretch more than others, but most will at least double during the stretch...and what kind of lights?


Well-Known Member
Only 4 plants but 4 different strains probably with 4 different needs. A lot easier to learn when ya got the same plant growing as all 4 the same strain can grow at different speeds..
Awnser to original question tho would be no more than half your maximum height allowing for light


Well-Known Member
Whats da max yeild ican expect from Dese 4 plants
If you've never grown before, you're best not to expect anything.

Focus on keeping the plants healthy while learning how to listen to the plants. Be happy to harvest anything on your first run. Many don't.


Well-Known Member
That size tent providing ya do a good job and have no isuues I'd be hoping to achieve atleast 4 oz a plant