new grower with a soil question

what to do...

Active Member
I am planning to do an all organic grow and i have a question about nutrients and soil. Rather than adding guano tea and various nutrients during the veg and flower stage, can i just add all of the nutrients directly to the soil? I want to do this so i don't have to deal with making teas every week. All i'd have to do is water the plants with distilled water or whatever.

thanks all.
This website has a crapload of information and i'm loving it so far!
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Well-Known Member
I use pro mix and it works very well, you don't have to worry about adding anything for about a month or so. Then get your favorite hydroponic fertilizer and add it at half strength to your water, then water your plants once or twice a week with it. Overwatering kills more plants than anything. That is one way to do things, you should get some more answers with other techniques. You can do anything from being simple to needing a chemist degree just depends on your personality and how far you want to go with it.


Well-Known Member
I'll chime in again and give you the website so you can see if someone close by sells it, You need to get the organic soil(green bag), it works better than the regular but you can still get good results with the regular.

$8 for the organic and $7 for the regular. It is hard to beat. The FF stuff is usually $20 - $30 a bag and can only be found in hydro shops.

Pro mix is used by most all of the bigger greenhouses, that is what they use for all their plants if that means anything to you.

It is a 30 mile trip for me to get it and I have no problem with making the trip, the stuff works tremendously well.