New grower with a few random questions


Active Member
Ok so im am getting ready for my first grow but have a few details that i hope will be answered. I am planning on growing in the back of a shed in a moderately small space. I just want to grow two plants for starters and was wondering if these florescent lamps will be enough
or maybe use two. I pick these mainly cause its damn cheap. If these lights are out of the question whats the next best cheapest alternative. My next question is which soil and fertilizer i should use. I dont want any specialty stuff just simple stuff i can buy at any ol place. I was thinking the organic miracle grow and whatever ol fert in moderation. Im planning on starting my seeds after they sprout to grow in some buckets that are transplantable to a bigger pot and roots grow through the pot, forgot the name ohh maybe pete moss or something. But anyways the question is when i transplant it what size bucket should i put it into and is this the only transplant i have to do as long as the bucket is big enough or will i have to have a medium bucket then a larger one oh and what size pots should i use. One last question i want to have a separate flowering room eventually whats the cheapest best lights to use for that stage of growth. Any info will be nice, thanks. =D


Well-Known Member
Those lights seem adequate, 40w x2. CFLs are cheap. Could probably get around 12 26w CFL bulbs for that price. No reflectors though.

Miracle grow works.

Jiffy cups?

CFLs seem to me to be the cheapest.


Active Member
if i was you i would go to the local garden/hydroponics store and get some fax farm ocean forest for soil. much better than MG IMO.

the size of the bucket depends on how big you want the plants. the bigger the bucket the bigger the plants will get. the bigger the plants get the longer it takes. something to keep in mind.

also since its in a shed i would get some type of thermometor that also displays humidity (RH) so you can keep an eye on temps and humidity. im currently growing in a 4x8 shed and low temps at late night/early morning and high temps mid day sometimes range from 37-100F in 24 hours. as a result my beautiful plants were not able to flower. i fixed the problem with a small space heater on a timer, partnered with the blower for the light on another timer to balance out the temps in the shed. now its starting to look very nice again.

good luck with your grow


Active Member
Thanks for the info i live in a very dry hot place so i dont think a space heater is really neccicary even at night. But i think the heat may be a problem it can get up to 114 here in the summer