New grower needs opinions

Mr mack

Hello people.
I'm new to growing I usually just smoke but found some seeds in a bag planted them and now we are here.
Im looking for people to share their thoughts.
Plants have been doing fine two week from breaking soil. I've just been feeding water 27 ppm from the tap. Left out 24+ hrs. Soil is mg all purpose. (only soil I could get). I bought an led light 24w full spectrum. I'm awaiting a pH test kit

What are the chances this works? Incase you didn't realise I didn't expect to even get this far.
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Well-Known Member
If that’s the best light you are going to have, I would put them outside. That light isn’t gonna cut it unfortunately. Secondly, be on the look out for males. If you’re lucky enough to get a female, that male or males will pollinate her. Most miracle grow has time release nutrients, either 3-6 month releases. No need for nutrients in a bottle. Just water and that’s it. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Growing weed is less difficult if you're good in the garden. Just looking to do it on a whim, could be a challenge. I wish you luck. To be warned, you might get hooked. It's so fun.8-)


Well-Known Member
That’s my next run, outside. I’ve never done it. Don’t really have a reason to, just a matter of doing it just to do it.

Mr mack

Thanks for the responses. I'm growing on a whim for sure this is a 'test run'. The light I purchased was just a sansi 24w grow light from amazon.I don't have the money to buy a marshydro. I was hoping for no bottled nutes hence the soil/compost. I have been reading this site for tips or guides.
I will keep you updated. I still need to ph test my water which will be today.

The first is always the worst.
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Mr mack

Hi again. As I mentioned earlier I'm new here. If my water is 6.4 and I believe my soil is 5.5 ph. Am I good to just water or do I have to try raise or lower soil pH?

I have been reading up a lot lately but there is only so much I can take in.

Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
I’ve NEVER payed attention to my soils ph. I just water between 6.5-7 and I’m good every time. I find the more I try to do, the more difficult and screwed up things become. Keep it simple, the girls would thank you later.

Mr mack

Thanks mate. I tend to over think things. My plants are looking pretty rough tbh. Idk why as per our discussing my light I leave them at the window with the light on till its dark outside. I'm hoping they atleast live to let me learn by practice. I don't learn to well learn hours of jargon I don't understand.

Again thanks for taking time to reply.

Mr mack

So I have purchased a spider farmer sf 600 today. Please tell me this is a big improvement over my previous light. I will add the pics i have been taking later. Not much to show tbh. Again thanks for your advice.