New grower, inside and outside, update

Just a few words on whats happening here in the country, lol. The outside grow fizzled, too many males in that batch of bagseed. Down to 3 females, lost a few more plants by not knowing what to do, lost a bunch of males. I will stick to seedbanks from now on, a lot less headache.

The flower room now has 20 plants. I have Vanilla Kush, White Domina, HoneyBee and Ladyburn. Got 8 plants in flower or preflower, really looking good. Plants in this room range for 20" tall to about 5' tall. Started putting plants in there on 24 July, hope to start cutting around the 1st of Oct, then bi-weekly or so after that,.

Got 11 plants ready for the flower room sitting in the grow room. No biggie, I don't have room for them over there anyway. I will let them get some size to them before flowering. Also have about 60 clones or so, raning from a couple of days old to about 2 weeks old. Plans are to have a perpetual harvest going on pretty much all the time. Will take next summer and fall off to travel, but will grow while at home.


